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Publications in VIVO

Schwartz, Trudy L

Teaching Professor


Research Areas research areas



  • Strain Gauges, Thermistors, Thermocouples, Piezocrystal sensors, Extensometers, Microcontrollers (Embedded Systems), Data Acquisition, Design for Manufacturing, Engineering Education, Hands-on Learning, Experimentation and Test, Capstone Design Projects



courses taught

  • ASEN 2001 - Aerospace 1: Introduction to Statics, Structures, and Materials
    Secondary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Introduces models and analytical/numerical methods for statics and structural analysis. Topics include force/moment equilibrium, truss analysis, beam theory, stress/strain, failure criteria, and structural design. Matlab proficiency required.
  • ASEN 2004 - Aerospace 4: Aerospace Vehicle Design and Performance
    Secondary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Introduction to design and analysis of aircraft and spacecraft. Aircraft topics include cruise performance, wing design, propulsion, stability, control, and structures. Spacecraft topics include rocket staging, orbit selection, launch systems, and spacecraft subsystems. Includes laboratory experiments and team design exercises.
  • ASEN 2804 - Aerospace Vehicle Design Lab
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2023
    Design lab focused on integrating knowledge of 2000-level aerospace course concepts towards the open-ended exploration of conceptual and preliminary designs of an aerospace vehicle.
  • ASEN 3113 - Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
    Secondary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Focuses on the applications of the first and second laws of thermodynamics to control volumes and teaches the fundamental concepts of different modes of energy and heat transfer. Learn to use these concepts in gas dynamics, high-speed vehicle spacecraft design, environmental systems, and energy analysis.
  • ASEN 4018 - Senior Projects 1: Design Synthesis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Focuses on the synthesis of technical knowledge, project management, design process, leadership, and communications within a team environment. Students progress through the design process beginning with requirements development, then preliminary design and culminating with critical design. Offered fall only.
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International Activities