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Schick, Brenda

Professor Emerita/Emeritus


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Brenda Schick studies the development of spoken and sign language and its relationship to cognition in deaf and hard-of-hearing DHH children. Currently, she conducts research in a national Center for Literacy in the Deaf, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. She has conducted research on the relationship between language development and Theory of Mind and literacy in children with a hearing loss. Each grant required data collection across the nation and the development of language assessment tools for ASL. She has served as the school board president for an ASL/English school for DHH children (that has agreed to serve as a site), and is a former teacher of the deaf in an oral school. She grew up in a culturally deaf family, is fluent in ASL and is a former certified interpreter of the deaf.


  • language and cognitive development in children with a hearing loss, literacy in children with a hearing loss, quality of life in children with a hearing loss, bilingual language education in children with a hearing loss, language development in typical and atypical children


selected publications


courses taught

  • SLHS 5632 - Special Clinical Focus in Speech-Language Pathology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Provides opportunity for students to develop clinical area(s) of deeper knowledge and skill, via courses approved for professional-level continuing education units (CEU) by the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA), in areas that may not be available through the SLHS curriculum. Courses may be taken via ASHA approved Online resources or through courses offered at professional scholarly meetings.
  • SLHS 7000 - Research Designs in Human Communication Sciences and Disorders
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2019
    Offers an advanced seminar in research designs for human behavior: efficacy, ethnographic, single-subject, quasi-experimental, and experimental designs. Designed to familiarize students with terminologies and research designs frequently used in speech-language-hearing areas. Recommended prerequisite: basic statistics.


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