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Publications in VIVO

Colunga, Eliana

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas



  • word learning, computational modeling, neural networks


selected publications


courses taught

  • CSCI 7000 - Current Topics in Computer Science
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Covers research topics of current interest in computer science that do not fall into a standard subarea. May be repeated up to 18 total credit hours.
  • NRSC 4011 - Senior Thesis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Senior Thesis credits are available for students during the semester that they write and defend a departmental Honors Thesis. A neuroscience honors thesis must be based on an empirical research project that the student directs/participates in under guidance from a faculty member. Contact the neuroscience director for further information.
  • PSYC 4011 - Senior Thesis
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    Critically reviews some aspect of psychological literature, scholarly analysis of a major psychological issue, and/or empirical research project. See the psychology honors director for further information.
  • PSYC 4145 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2024
    Advanced course in human cognitive processes. Covers key aspects of cognition, such as perception, attention, learning, memory, language and thinking. Discusses major theories and ideas in terms of the research they have inspired. Emphasis varies with instructor. One lab per week and a research project is required. Same as PSYC 5145.
  • PSYC 5685 - Research Methods Proseminar
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020
    Main topic is research methods in cognitive psychology, with an emphasis on experimental methods. Skills and knowledge will be gained that are necessary to A) critically evaluate existing research and B) design, conduct, analyze and write up experimental studies. Required for graduate students in Cognitive Psychology. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours.
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International Activities