Expertise in orchestral, chamber and solo music from 1600-present day, composition and free improvisation. Expertise in the teaching of all subjects listed above, as well as interest in the use of eye movement, visual acuity and visual information processing specifically for music, and music education.
PMUS 3271 - Improvisation Basics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024
Develops skill and confidence in solo and chamber music improvising in the context of modal music, the style of solo Bach, raga music of India, the 12-bar blues, and working with dancers.
PMUS 4517 - Orchestral Repertoire
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
Prepares students for pre-professional and professional auditions commonly encountered after completing undergraduate studies in music. Through score study, listening sessions, individual string group coaching, and mock auditions, students will gain familiarity with standard orchestral repertoire, strokes, styles, and performance practices. Emphasis will be placed on ensemble playing, section responsibilities, audition preparation techniques, and general orchestral citizenship concepts.