selected publications
conference proceeding
- EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) Multiple EUV Grating Spectrographs (MEGS) radiometric calibrations and results. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007
- SDO EVE CCD and thin foil filter characterization and selection. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007
- SDO EVE ESP radiometric calibration and results. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007
- Rocket Extreme Ultraviolet Grating Spectrometer, EGS.: calibrations and results of the solar irradiance on February 8, 2002. Optical Engineering. 2004
- Rocket extreme ultraviolet grating spectrometer (EGS): Calibrations and results of the solar irradiance on February 8, 2002. Proceedings of SPIE. 31-42. 2004
journal article
- GOES-R Series X-Ray Sensor (XRS): 1. Design and Pre-Flight Calibration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2024
- Data-driven Simulation of Effects of a Solar Flare with Extreme-ultraviolet Late Phase on Ionospheric Electron Density. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2024
- Impacts of Extreme Ultraviolet Late Phase of the Solar Flare on Ionospheric Electrodynamics. Letters of the Astrophysical Journal. 2024
- Improving the Spectral Resolution and Wavelength Scale of SDO/EVE MEGS-A Flare Observations. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 2024
- Local Empirical Modeling of NmF2 Using Ionosonde Observations and the FISM2 Solar EUV Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2024
- The Solar EruptioN Integral Field Spectrograph. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 2024
- Atmospheric Escape From Earth and Mars: Response to Solar and Solar Wind Drivers of Oxygen Escape. Geophysical Research Letters. 2024
- EMM EMUS Observations of Hot Oxygen Corona at Mars: Radial Distribution and Temporal Variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2024
- Characteristics of Lunar Surface Electrons Inferred From ARTEMIS Observations: 1. Backscattered Electrons. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2023
- First Results for Solar Soft X-Ray Irradiance Measurements from the Third-generation Miniature X-Ray Solar Spectrometer. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2023
- Observational Analysis of Lya Emission in Equivalent-magnitude Solar Flares. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2023
- Magnetic Energy Powers the Corona: How We Can Understand its 3D Storage & Release 2023
- Solar Dynamics Constellation 2023
- Uninterrupted Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections 2023
- Defining the Middle Corona. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 2023
- Spicules in IRIS Mg ii Observations: Automated Identification. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2023
- Morphology of Extreme and Far Ultraviolet Martian Airglow Emissions Observed by the EMUS Instrument on Board the Emirates Mars Mission. Geophysical Research Letters. 2022
- Simultaneous High Dynamic Range Algorithm, Testing, and Instrument Simulation. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2022
- Lunar Photoemission Yields Inferred From ARTEMIS Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2021
- SunCET: The Sun Coronal Ejection Tracker Concept. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. 2021
- A New Model for Ionospheric Total Electron Content: The Impact of Solar Flux Proxies and Indices. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2021
- On the Altitude Patterns of Photo-Chemical-Equilibrium in the Martian Ionosphere: A Special Role for Electron Temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2021
- The Flare Irradiance Spectral Model-Version 2 (FISM2). Space Weather. 2020
- The Flare Irradiance Spectral Model - Version 2 (FISM2) 2020
- The Flare Irradiance Spectral Model - Version 2 (FISM2) 2020
- Lyman-alpha Variability During Solar Flares Over Solar Cycle 24 Using GOES-15/EUVS-E. Space Weather. 2020
- MinXSS-2 CubeSat mission overview: Improvements from the successful MinXSS-1 mission. Advances in Space Research. 3-9. 2020
- Responses of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere System to Concurrent Solar Flares and Geomagnetic Storms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2020
- The GOES-R EUVS model for EUV irradiance variability. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. 2019
- Mars Upper Atmospheric Responses to the 10 September 2017 Solar Flare: A Global, Time-Dependent Simulation. Geophysical Research Letters. 9334-9343. 2019
- Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During 6-11 September 2017. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2298-2311. 2019
- Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Observations of the Solar Flares During the intense September 2017 Storm Period. Space Weather. 1470-1487. 2018
- The Mars Topside Ionosphere Response to the X8.2 Solar Flare of 10 September 2017. Geophysical Research Letters. 8005-8013. 2018
- Martian Thermospheric Response to an X8.2 Solar Flare on 10 September 2017 as Seen by MAVEN/IUVS. Geophysical Research Letters. 7312-7319. 2018
- Flares at Earth and Mars: An Ionospheric Escape Mechanism?. Space Weather. 1042-1056. 2018
- Center-to-Limb Variability of Hot Coronal EUV Emissions During Solar Flares. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 2018
- The Instruments and Capabilities of the Miniature X-Ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS) CubeSats. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 2018
- Sources of Ionospheric Variability at Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 9670-9684. 2017
- Photoemission and electrostatic potentials on the dayside lunar surface in the terrestrial magnetotail lobes. Geophysical Research Letters. 5276-5282. 2017
- MAVEN observations of the solar cycle 24 space weather conditions at Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2768-2794. 2017
- The MAVEN EUVM model of solar spectral irradiance variability at Mars: Algorithms and results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2748-2767. 2017
- New Solar Irradiance Measurements from the Miniature X-Ray Solar Spectrometer Cubesat. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2017
- An integral field spectrograph utilizing mirrorlet arrays. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 8250-8259. 2016
- Measuring Solar Doppler Velocities in the He II 30.38 nm Emission Using the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE). Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 1665-1679. 2016
- Anomalous temporal behaviour of broadband Ly alpha observations during solar flares from SDO/EVE. Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 2016
- Miniature X-Ray Solar Spectrometer: A Science-Oriented, University 3U CubeSat. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 328-339. 2016
- Comparison of different solar irradiance models for the superthermal electron transport model for Mars. Planetary and Space Science. 62-68. 2015
- The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) Mission. Space Science Reviews. 3-48. 2015
- The Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor for MAVEN. Space Science Reviews. 293-301. 2015
- MAVEN IUVS observation of the hot oxygen corona at Mars. Geophysical Research Letters. 9009-9014. 2015
- Retrieval of CO2 and N2 in the Martian thermosphere using dayglow observations by IUVS on MAVEN. Geophysical Research Letters. 9040-9049. 2015
- Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the OI 130.4nm by IUVS/MAVEN. Geophysical Research Letters. 9031-9039. 2015
- Three-dimensional structure in the Mars H corona revealed by IUVS on MAVEN. Geophysical Research Letters. 9001-9008. 2015
- Early MAVEN Deep Dip campaign reveals thermosphere and ionosphere variability. Science. 2015
- MAVEN observations of the response of Mars to an interplanetary coronal mass ejection. Science. 2015
- THE RADIATED ENERGY BUDGET OF CHROMOSPHERIC PLASMA IN A MAJOR SOLAR FLARE DEDUCED FROM MULTI-WAVELENGTH OBSERVATIONS. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2014
- Wavelength dependence of solar irradiance enhancement during X-class flares and its influence on the upper atmosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar: Terrestrial Physics. 87-94. 2014
- MEASUREMENTS AND MODELING OF TOTAL SOLAR IRRADIANCE IN X-CLASS SOLAR FLARES. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2014
- DECAY-PHASE COOLING AND INFERRED HEATING OF M- AND X-CLASS SOLAR FLARES. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2013
- Correlations between variations in solar EUV and soft X-ray irradiance and photoelectron energy spectra observed on Mars and Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 7338-7347. 2013
- On-Orbit Degradation of Solar Instruments. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 389-434. 2013
- GLOBAL ENERGETICS OF THIRTY-EIGHT LARGE SOLAR ERUPTIVE EVENTS. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2012
- Effect of a solar flare on a traveling atmospheric disturbance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2012
- Thermal Evolution and Radiative Output of Solar Flares Observed by the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE). Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 23-42. 2012
- Solar EUV and XUV energy input to thermosphere on solar rotation time scales derived from photoelectron observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2012
- Numerical simulations of the ionosphere of Mars during a solar flare. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2012
- Solar flare impacts on ionospheric electrodyamics. Geophysical Research Letters. 2012
- Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) Multiple EUV Grating Spectrographs (MEGS): Radiometric Calibrations and Results. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 145-178. 2012
- Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Overview of Science Objectives, Instrument Design, Data Products, and Model Developments. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 115-143. 2012
- The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 3-15. 2012
- Variability of thermosphere and ionosphere responses to solar flares. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2011
- NEW SOLAR EXTREME-ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIANCE OBSERVATIONS DURING FLARES. The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 2011
- The EVE Doppler Sensitivity and Flare Observations. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 69-80. 2011
- Flare location on the solar disk: Modeling the thermosphere and ionosphere response. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2010
- Four Martian years of nightside upper thermospheric mass densities derived from electron reflectometry: Method extension and comparison with GCM simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2010
- The EUV spectrum of the Sun: long-term variations in the SOHO CDS NIS spectral responsivities. Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 2010
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate spectral variations in solar EUV irradiance over solar cycle timescales. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2009
- Solar cycle minimum measurements of the solar extreme ultraviolet spectral irradiance on 14 April 2008. Geophysical Research Letters. 2009
- Comparison of solar soft X-ray irradiance from broadband photometers to a high spectral resolution rocket observation. Advances in Space Research. 349-354. 2009
- Solar Irradiance Reference Spectra (SIRS) for the 2008 Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI). Geophysical Research Letters. 2009
- Variability of the lunar photoelectron sheath and dust mobility due to solar activity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2008
- New flare model using recent measurements of the solar ultraviolet irradiance. Advances in Space Research. 912-916. 2008
- Photoelectron flux variations observed from the FAST satellite. Advances in Space Research. 947-956. 2008
- XUV Photometer System (XPS): Improved solar irradiance algorithm using CHIANTI spectral models. Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics. 235-267. 2008
- Temporal and spectral variations of the photoelectron flux and solar irradiance during an X class solar flare. Geophysical Research Letters. 2008
- Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM): Flare component algorithms and results. Space Weather. 2008
- Flare irradiance spectral model (FISM): Daily component algorithms and results. Space Weather. 2007
- Contributions of the solar ultraviolet irradiance to the total solar irradiance during large flares. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2006
- Solar EUV Experiment (SEE): Mission overview and first results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 2005