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Publications in VIVO

Riosmena, Fernando

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Professor Riosmena's research looks at how demographic processes are associated with the spatial and social mobility, well-being, and development in Latin American societies and immigrant communities from said region in the United States. He has done work on the role of social ties and of legal status in explaining inter-country differences in US migration dynamics in Latin America; the inter-relation between the socioeconomic and gender normative context of migrant sending communities, family life cycle, and the migration behavior of individuals other life course events; on the changing spatial distribution of Mexican migrant destinations in the U.S. and their relationship with the changing spatial distribution of migrant origins in Mexico; and on the factors that explain the health status of migrants in the U.S. and changes therein, particularly looking at selection, protection, and acculturation processes.


  • Social demography, population health; population geography, immigration, Mexico, United States, migrant health, new migrant destinations


selected publications


courses taught

  • GEOG 1982 - Global Geographies: Societies, Places, Connections
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
    Introduces a comparative framework for recognizing and understanding the diversity of the world�s societies and cultures. Units explore both local scale issues such as economic growth, inequality, political conflict, ethnic and racial dynamics, and climate change impacts, as well as broader scale trends associated with globalization, international development, migration, and the historical legacies of colonialism and imperialism.
  • GEOG 3812 - Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Introduces the geography of Latin America, focusing on the lands and peoples of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Examines regional and national culture, history, environment, and population, as well as ongoing environmental and socioeconomic changes. Recommended prerequisite: GEOG 1962 or GEOG 1972 or GEOG 1982 or GEOG 1992 or GEOG 2092.
  • GEOG 4292 - Migration, Immigrant Adaptation, and Development
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2019 / Summer 2020 / Spring 2022
    Examines historical and current patterns of migration with an emphasis in international movement. Looks at leading migration theories related to both origin- and destination-based explanations while critically looking at the role of development as a potential cause and consequence of population movement. Finally, covers some aspects of immigrants' social and economic adaptation to their host society. Recommended prerequisite: GEOG 1962 or GEOG 1972 or GEOG 1982 or GEOG 1992 or GEOG 2092. Same as GEOG 5292.
  • GEOG 4732 - Population Geography
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Emphasizes spatial aspects of population characteristics including fertility, mortality, migration, distribution and composition. Includes both theoretical and empirical considerations, in addition to field work and computer simulations. Recommended prerequisite: GEOG 1962 or GEOG 1972 or GEOG 1982 or GEOG 1992 or GEOG 2092. Same as GEOG 5732.
  • GEOG 5292 - Migration, Immigrant Adaptation, and Development
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2019 / Summer 2020 / Spring 2022
    historical and current patterns of migration with an emphasis in international movement. Looks at leading migration theories related to both origin- and destination-based explanations while critically looking at the role of development as a potential cause and consequence of population movement. Finally, covers some aspects of immigrants' social and economic adaptation to their host society. Same as GEOG 4292.
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