central America
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Amadei, Bernard Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Bally, John Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Barnard, Holly Rene Associate Dean of Research
Berggreen, Shu-Ling Chen Associate Professor
Breed, Michael D Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Briggs, Derek Christian Professor
Briones , Fernando Person
Bryan, Joe Associate Professor
Chapin, Violeta Raquel Faculty Director of the Immigration and Citizenship Law Program
Citizenship Law Program
Cundiff, Mel Assoc Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Dee, Laura Associate Professor
Duchicela, Sisimac Assistant Professor
Dufour, Darna L Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Dupre, Jill VanMatre Professor of Engineering Practice
Edgar, Stacey C Lecturer
Fischer, Kate Associate Teaching Professor
Glantz, Michael Howard Sr Research Associate
Gunther, John G Professor
Hynek, Brian Michael Professor
Jimenez, Jose Luis Distinguished Professor
Kleiber, William Paul Professor
LeCompte, Margaret Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Lewis, Gary J Professor
Martin, Wendy Teaching Associate Professor and W. Edwards Deming Professor of Management
Nytch, Jeffrey C. Professor
Osnes-Stoedefalke, Beth Professor
Poskanzer, Ethan Assistant Professor
Riosmena, Fernando Associate Professor
Salvinelli, Carlo Teaching Associate Professor
Sheets, Payson Emerita/Emeritus
Sideris, Sabrina Carolina Assistant Teaching Professor
Simpson, Carl Assistant Professor
Smalyukh, Ivan Professor
Stafford, Gabrielle Marks Teaching Professor
Stanton, Christina A. W. Clinical Assoc Professor - 9 Months
Sumner, Tamara Professor
Swanson, Shawn P Teaching Assistant Professor
Tracy, Karen Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Yulsman, Tom Professor