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Publications in VIVO

Moss, Scott A.



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Research interests and publications include employment law, discrimination, constitutional law, various civil procedure rules, and economic analysis of all of the preceding topics.


  • labor and employment law, discrimination, constitutional law, administrative law, litigation


selected publications


courses taught

  • LAWS 6005 - Constitutional Law
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019
    Studies constitutional structure: judicial review, federalism, separation of powers; and constitutional rights of due process and equal protection.
  • LAWS 6373 - Federal Litigation: Everything but the Trial
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Litigates through all pretrial phases as plaintiff's counsel, a mock federal case: an employee's challenge to compensation and termination, with possible claims including breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, violation of wage payment statutory and regulatory requirements, and fraudulent inducement to contract.
  • LAWS 6521 - Employment Law
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Entails a survey of employment-at-will, workplace safety, workplace torts; ERISA and retirement, workers' compensation; controls on hours and wages; health insurance; disability and unemployment compensation.
  • LAWS 7531 - Wage Law and Litigation
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Teaches federal and state wage statutes, common-law claims for unpaid wages (e.g., fraud, contract/quasi-contract, etc.), and complex statutes outside employment law (racketeering, antitrust, etc.) that creative wage litigators sometimes use. Coverage of the limits of wage law scope may include non-employee contractors (both traditional and gig economy workers), undocumented workers, students, volunteers, and/or prisoners. Teaches litigation practice and strategy, including class/collective action practice, plus experiential learning assignments that may include deposition-taking/client-interviewing, claim-strategizing, damages-calculating, and/or motion-writing.


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