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Publications in VIVO

Little, Katie



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Katie Little's research interests include late medieval literature, literature and religion, and the continuities between the Middle Ages and the early modern period in England. She is currently working on a new project about the impact of Northern humanism on England.


  • late medieval English literature, medieval religion, the Reformation, sixteenth-century English literature


selected publications


courses taught

  • ENGL 1420 - Poetry
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022
    Introduces students to how to read a poem by examining the great variety of poems written and composed in English from the very beginning of the English language until recently.
  • ENGL 2503 - Medieval and Renaissance
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Fall 2023
    Surveys groundbreaking literature from the medieval period to the late seventeenth century. Topics of discussion may include gender and embodiment, technologies of communication and discovery, and premodern notions of race or cultural identity. Students will be encouraged to read aloud, explore unfamiliar literary forms, and share their ideas and questions.
  • ENGL 3026 - Syntax, Citation, Analysis: Writing About Literature
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024 / Summer 2024
    Students hone their writing skills by closely analyzing the language in literary texts. The course will focus on the nuances of sentence structure and grammar, in order to help students become better writers and readers. Students will learn how to perform research in literary criticism and will write and revise a research paper, as well as a number of other short papers for different audiences. Students will learn and use citation methods within the discipline and will discuss the reasoning behind citational practice. Recommended prerequisite: completion of lower-division writing requirement.
  • ENGL 3310 - The Bible as Literature
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Fall 2024
    No single book has been as influential to the English-speaking world as the Bible. We�ll read the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament for stories, poetry, and wisdom traditions. We�ll approach the Bible as literature by analyzing its plots, characters, and meanings. Students study its textual history, how there came to be a �Bible,� and the many writers, conflicts, and cultures from which it emerged. We�ll consider the Bible�s powerful influence on ethics and philosophy. Formerly ENGL 3312. Same as HUMN 3310 and JWST 3310.
  • ENGL 3553 - Chaucer and the Invention of English Literature
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
    This course explores the literary experiments and innovations of Geoffrey Chaucer�s writing and those of his contemporaries during the end of the fourteenth century, a period that saw enormous social changes. Students will reflect on what literature is and does, both in the past and in our own time.
  • ... more


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