selected publications journal article Remote sensing for species distribution models: An illustration from a sentinel taxon of the world's driest ecosystem. Ecology. 2025 Remotely characterizing photosynthetic biocrust in snowpack-fed microhabitats of Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Science of Remote Sensing. 2024 Diversity-stability relationships across organism groups and ecosystem types become decoupled across spatial scales. Ecology. 2023 The Distribution of Surface Soil Moisture over Space and Time in Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Remote Sensing. 2023 The NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 112-113. 2023 On the shape and origins of the freshwater species-area relationship. Ecology. 2023 Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere. 2023 Anthropogenic structures influence small-fish movement in wetlands. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 1933-1952. 2022 Consistent stabilizing effects of plant diversity across spatial scales and climatic gradients. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 1669-+. 2022 People, infrastructure, and data: A pathway to an inclusive and diverse ecological network of networks. Ecosphere. 2022 Standardized NEON organismal data for biodiversity research. Ecosphere. 2022 Community stability is related to animal diversity change. Ecosphere. 2022 From the Heroic Age to today: What diatoms from Shackleton's Nimrod expedition can tell us about the ecological trajectory of Antarctic ponds. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 379-387. 2021 Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Ecosphere. 2021 The dual nature of metacommunity variability. OIKOS. 2078-2092. 2021 Counting Carbon: Quantifying Biomass in the McMurdo Dry Valleys through Orbital & Field Observations. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 8597-8623. 2021 ecocomDP: A flexible data design pattern for ecological community survey data. Ecological Informatics. 2021 Phytoplankton Drivers of Dissolved Organic Material Production in Colorado Reservoirs and the Formation of Disinfection By-Products. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021 Novel Insights to Be Gained From Applying Metacommunity Theory to Long-Term, Spatially Replicated Biodiversity Data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2021 Spatial scale and structure of complex life cycle trematode parasite communities in streams. PLoS One. 2020 Estimating microbial mat biomass in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica using satellite imagery and ground surveys. Polar Biology. 1753-1767. 2020 Evaluating Alternative Metacommunity Hypotheses for Diatoms in the McMurdo Dry Valleys Using Simulations and Remote Sensing Data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2020 Remote characterization of photosynthetic communities in the Fryxell basin of Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 255-270. 2020 Experimental effects of elevated temperature and nitrogen deposition on high-elevation aquatic communities. Aquatic Sciences: research across boundaries. 2020 Ecological Correlates of Large-Scale Turnover in the Dominant Members of Pseudacris crucifer Skin Bacterial Communities. Microbial Ecology: an international journal. 832-842. 2019 Temporal heterogeneity increases with spatial heterogeneity in ecological communities. Ecology. 858-865. 2018 Thermal autecology describes the occurrence patterns of four benthic diatoms in McMurdo Dry Valley streams. Polar Biology. 2381-2396. 2017 Decadal ecosystem response to an anomalous melt season in a polar desert in Antarctica. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 1334-1338. 2017 A simulation-based approach to understand how metacommunity characteristics influence emergent biodiversity patterns. OIKOS. 723-737. 2017 Characterizing hyporheic exchange processes using high-frequency electrical conductivity-discharge relationships on subhourly to interannual timescales. Water Resources Research. 4124-4141. 2017 Making sense of metacommunities: dispelling the mythology of a metacommunity typology. Oecologia. 643-652. 2017 Evidence for dispersal and habitat controls on pond diatom communities from the McMurdo Sound Region of Antarctica. Polar Biology. 2441-2456. 2016 Evidence for dispersal and habitat controls on pond diatom communities from the McMurdo Sound Region of Antarctica (vol 39, pg 2457, 2016). Polar Biology. 2457-2458. 2016 Migration Strategies Vary in Space, Time, and Among Species in the Small-fish Metacommunity of the Everglades. Copeia. 157-169. 2015 Trends in Stream Biodiversity Research since the River Continuum Concept. Diversity. 16-35. 2015 Linking management to biodiversity in built ponds using metacommunity simulations. Ecological Modelling. 36-45. 2015 Metacommunity Structure Along Resource and Disturbance Gradients in Everglades Wetlands. Wetlands: the journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists. S135-S146. 2014 Local and regional influences over soil microbial metacommunities in the Transantarctic Mountains. Ecosphere. 2013 A Molecular and Stable Isotopic Approach to Investigate Algal and Detrital Energy Pathways in a Freshwater Marsh. Wetlands: the journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists. 531-542. 2012 The Assembly of Ecological Communities Inferred from Taxonomic and Functional Composition. The American Naturalist. 630-644. 2011 Benthic secondary production in eight oligotrophic arctic Alaskan lakes. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 465-479. 2010 Limnology of Andean piedmont rivers of Venezuela. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 66-81. 2006