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Publications in VIVO

Karimzadeh, Morteza

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research interests are rooted in geospatial data science, extended to both natural and social sciences. I contribute to and use methods from the fields of spatiotemporal machine learning, spatial statistics, human-centered visual analytics, and remote sensing. I view my research as an integrative activity that brings data science together with environmental and social sciences to help make society more sustainable and equitable. My research program is use-inspired, and therefore I hope it to be high-impact, well-funded, interdisciplinary, collaborative, and stakeholder-involved for advancing science in the context of pressing environmental and social issues. At the core of my current research, my work is focused on harnessing non-linear spatial and temporal relations for data-driven and human-centered computing. Concretely, this line of inquiry has taken the form of designing and evaluating spatiotemporal machine learning and quantitative methods for applications in various domains, including environmental remote sensing, epidemiological modeling, public health, social media analytics, and renewable energy systems. My research is computational, and it involves wrangling large heterogenous datasets as well as designing, programming and experimenting with algorithmic models and/or visual interfaces on advanced hardware. Additionally, most of my projects involve stakeholder engagement to ensure relevancy, adoption, and impactful science. Developing methods and applications in the context of real-world problems, where there are experts in other fields, will mean that the methods need to be useful and usable. We develop methods in the context of real-world applications, meaning most of the time, we are not using off-the-shelf clean benchmark datasets. While is challenging at times, doing use inspired research has helped us stay rooted in reality, guide our assumptions and decisions, establish a funded research program, and hopefully, have more immediate impact.


  • artificial intelligence, spatial data science, machine learning, remote sensing, cryosphere, epidemiology, air pollution, forecasting, geographic Information Retrieval, geovisualization, geographic information science, geovisualization, visual analytics, geo-text analytics, geoparsing, geocoding, geographic natural language processing, spatial analysis, human-computer interaction, huma-in-the-loop machine learning, human-centered AI


selected publications


courses taught

  • GEOG 3023 - Statistics and Geographic Data
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2023 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
    Learn how to use computational and statistical tools to solve problems in the geographic domain and apply introductory statistical concepts to real world problems through lab exercises. Using spatial data you will be trained in powerful specialized descriptive and predictive analysis technique. You will explore how to manipulate and visualize data and make inference using state-of-the art statistics software, applied to various social and Earth Science problems. Same as GEOL 3023.
  • GEOG 4003 - Topics in Geographic Skills
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Examines various topics in geographical skills and techniques that are not typically covered in the curriculum. Offered intermittently depending on student demand and availability of instructors.
  • GEOG 4043 - Advanced Geovisualization and Web Mapping
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Fall 2022
    Advanced technical course in web-based cartography and geovisualization stressing the important role digital cartography plays in cyberspace and society. Focuses on principles of effective cartographic design in multimedia and hypertext environments. Labs are organized around hands-on active learning projects demonstrating skills in geovisualization and cartographic practice. Same as GEOG 5043.
  • GEOG 4203 - Geographic Information Science: Spatial Modeling
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020
    Focuses on the use and development of advanced models for human and environmental applications in a geospatial environment integrating raster and vector data models. Covers terrain and hydrologic modeling, geostatistical modeling, dasymetric modeling, as well as multi-criteria modeling. Group projects critically design, implement and test spatial models to develop independent skillsets in a chosen problem setting. Recommended requisite: working knowledge of GIS software. Same as GEOG 5203.
  • GEOG 5043 - Advanced Geovisualization and Web Mapping
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Advanced technical course in web-based cartography and geovisualization stressing the important role digital cartography plays in cyberspace and society. Focuses on principles of effective cartographic design in multimedia and hypertext environments. Labs are organized around hands-on active learning projects demonstrating skills in geovisualization and cartographic practice. Same as GEOG 4043.
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