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Publications in VIVO

Welker, Cara Gonzalez

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Welker's research focuses on developing effective assistive devices that assist those with movement impairments or augment everyday movement in the healthy population to reduce fatigue or injury. She uses an interdisciplinary approach combining expertise in biomechanics, haptics, and robotics in order to provide a greater understanding of the entire human-device system, with research spanning from the development of novel devices, control strategies, forms of sensory augmentation, and design of human subject experiments that provide further insight to the human neuromusculoskeletal system.


selected publications


courses taught

  • MCEN 3047 - Data Analysis and Experimental Methods
    Secondary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Learn to plan and carry out experiments and analyze the results. Topics covered include measurement fundamentals, design of experiments, elementary statistics and uncertainty analysis. Topics in statistics include probability, error propagation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, linear regression, one- and two-factor ANOVA and time series analysis. Formerly MCEN 3037. Degree credit not granted for this course and GEEN 3853.
  • MCEN 4157 - Modeling of Human Movement
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Human movement analysis is used in physical rehabilitation, sport training, human-robot interaction, animation, and more. Course provides a systematic overview of human movement on multiple levels of analysis, with an emphasis on the phenomenology amenable to computational modeling. Covers muscle physiology, movement-related brain areas, musculoskeletal mechanics, forward and inverse dynamics, optimal control and Bayesian inference, learning and adaptation. Inspires students to see and appreciate the complexities of movement control in all aspects of daily life. Same as BMEN 4157 and MCEN 5157 and BMEN 5157.
  • MCEN 5157 - Modeling of Human Movement
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Human movement analysis is used in physical rehabilitation, sport training, human-robot interaction, animation, and more. Course provides a systematic overview of human movement on multiple levels of analysis, with an emphasis on the phenomenology amenable to computational modeling. Covers muscle physiology, movement-related brain areas, musculoskeletal mechanics, forward and inverse dynamics, optimal control and Bayesian inference, learning and adaptation. Inspires students to see and appreciate the complexities of movement control in all aspects of daily life. Same as BMEN 5157 and MCEN 4157 and BMEN 4157.


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