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Publications in VIVO

Tetu, Elizabeth Ann

Assistant Teaching Professor




courses taught

  • EDUC 4331 - Elementary Social Studies Methods
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Prepares teacher education candidates for teaching social studies in a social justice and equity context. Participants will understand theoretical and developmental processes associated with social studies learning, culturally responsive teaching pedagogy in social studies, methods for teaching social studies in a diverse society, and the integration of classroom instruction with the Colorado Academic Content Standards.
  • EDUC 4715 - Elementary Student Teaching Seminar Part 1
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    This seminar supports sense making during elementary student teaching through deliberative dialogues, culture circles, and teacher inquiry. During the final year of the Elementary Education program, teacher candidates complete advanced coursework and engage in extended student teaching field experiences in local schools. These activities raise important problems of practice that can fuel teacher learning. This seminar provides structure, support, and guidance from skillful facilitators and peers to support sensemaking during the elementary student teaching experience.
