publication venue for
- Understanding hydration reactions, mechanical properties, thermal expansion, and organic interfacial interactions of calcium sulfate hydrates from the atomic scale 2025
- Theoretical model for the coupling effect of moisture transport on chloride penetration in concrete 2024
- Rheology and 3D printing of alginate bio-stabilized earth concrete 2024
- Biomimetic ice recrystallization inhibition-active poly(vinyl alcohol) enhances the freeze-thaw resistance of cement paste 2022
- Molecular modeling of chemical admixtures; opportunities and challenges 2022
- Atomic structure and phase assemblages in novel M-(N)-A-S-H materials 2021
- Silica-modifying chemical admixtures for directed zeolitization of metakaolin-based alkali-activated materials 2021
- Force field for calcium sulfate minerals to predict structural, hydration, and interfacial properties 2021
- Stochastic analysis of concrete dams with alkali aggregate reaction 2020
- Copper and cobalt improve the acid resistance of alkali-activated cements 2019
- Modelling of water vapour sorption hysteresis of cement-based materials based on pore size distribution 2019
- Computational design optimization of concrete mixtures: A review 2018
- cemff: A force field database for cementitious materials including validations, applications and opportunities 2017
- Influence of aluminates on the hydration kinetics of tricalcium silicate 2017
- Mineralization dynamics of metakaolin-based alkali-activated cements 2017
- A mathematical model for the kinetics of the alkali-silica chemical reaction 2015
- Influence of nucleation seeding on the hydration kinetics and compressive strength of alkali activated slag paste 2011
- Biogenic sulfuric acid attack on different types of commercially produced concrete sewer pipes 2010
- A multiscale model for modulus of elasticity of concrete at high temperatures 2009
- A discrete crack approach to normal/shear cracking of concrete 2002
- Hardening mechanisms of an alkaline-activated class F fly ash 2001
- Large scale direct tension test of concrete 1996