publication venue for
- Heterogeneous dopamine signals support distinct features of motivated actions: implications for learning and addiction 2018
- Stable, long-term, spatial memory in young and aged rats achieved with a one day Morris water maze training protocol 2016
- Inhibiting PKMĪ¶ reveals dorsal lateral and dorsal medial striatum store the different memories needed to support adaptive behavior 2012
- Activation of the infralimbic cortex in a fear context enhances extinction learning 2010
- Context representations, context functions, and the parahippocampal-hippocampal system 2009
- DHPG activation of group 1 mGluRs in BLA enhances fear conditioning 2009
- Hippocampal and extrahippocampal systems compete for control of contextual fear: Role of ventral subiculum and amygdala 2009
- Environmental novelty is associated with a selective increase in Fos expression in the output elements of the hippocampal formation and the perirhinal cortex 2008
- The role of the dorsal striatum and dorsal hippocampus in probabilistic and deterministic odor discrimination tasks 2008
- Acute predator stress impairs the consolidation and retrieval of hippocampus-dependent memory in male and female rats 2008
- Role of the ventral medial prefrontal cortex in mediating behavioral control-induced reduction of later conditioned fear 2008
- Context preexposure prevents forgetting of a contextual fear memory: Implication for regional changes in brain activation patterns associated with recent and remote memory tests 2007
- Place learning in the Morris water task: Making the memory stick 2006
- Anisomycin and the reconsolidation hypothesis 2006
- Context pre-exposure obscures amygdala modulation of contextual-fear conditioning 2005
- Prefrontal cortex and the organization of recent and remote memories: An alternative view 2005
- The temporal dynamics of retention of a context memory: Something is missing 2005
- Emotion-induced amnesia in rats: Working memory-specific impairment, corticosterone-memory correlation, and fear versus arousal effects on memory 2003
- Lesions of orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala complex disrupt acquisition of odor-guided discriminations and reversals. 2003