publication venue for
- Impulsivity facets and substance use involvement: insights from genomic structural equation modeling. 2025
- Genome-wide meta-analysis of ascertainment and symptom structures of major depression in case-enriched and community cohorts 2024
- Genomic SEM applied to explore etiological divergences in bipolar subtypes 2024
- Recreational cannabis legalization has had limited effects on a wide range of adult psychiatric and psychosocial outcomes 2023
- Associations between depression and cardiometabolic health: A 27-year longitudinal study 2022
- Shared genetic architecture across psychiatric disorders 2021
- Internalizing and externalizing psychopathology in middle age: genetic and environmental architecture and stability of symptoms over 15 to 20 years 2020
- Integrating mental health and disaster preparedness in intervention: a randomized controlled trial with earthquake and flood-affected communities in Haiti 2020
- Temporal pathways of change in two randomized controlled trials for depression and harmful drinking in Goa, India 2020
- Evidence of causal effect of major depression on alcohol dependence: findings from the psychiatric genomics consortium 2019
- Childhood stress, grown-up brain networks: corticolimbic correlates of threat-related early life stress and adult stress response 2018
- You'll feel better in the morning: slow wave activity and overnight mood regulation in interepisode bipolar disorder 2018
- Genetic influences on hormonal markers of chronic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function in human hair 2017
- Psychophysiological endophenotypes to characterize mechanisms of known schizophrenia genetic loci 2017
- Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism heritability of nicotine dependence as a multidimensional phenotype 2016
- Confirmatory test of two factors and four subtypes of bipolar disorder based on lifetime psychiatric co-morbidity 2015
- Hypersomnia subtypes, sleep and relapse in bipolar disorder 2015
- DSM-IV defined conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder: an investigation of shared liability in female twins 2014
- Schizophrenia genetic variants are not associated with intelligence 2013
- Genetic and environmental contributions to retrospectively reported DSM-IV childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 2008
- Familial aggregation for conduct disorder symptomatology: the role of genes, marital discord and family adaptability 2000
- Assortative mating for major psychiatric diagnoses in two population-based samples 1998
- The Virginia twin-family study of adolescent behavioral development: Assessing sample biases in demographic correlates of psychopathology 1996