publication venue for
- Student reasoning about quantum mechanics while working with physical experiments 2024
- Evidence for validity and reliability of a research-based assessment instrument on measurement uncertainty 2024
- Development of a global landscape of undergraduate physics laboratory courses 2024
- Using a research-based assessment instrument to explore undergraduate students' proficiencies around measurement uncertainty in physics lab contexts 2024
- Implementation of the photovoice methodology in a project-based upper-division physics course 2024
- Disparities in access to U.S. quantum information education 2024
- Enhancing students' views of experimental physics through a course-based undergraduate research experience 2023
- Investigating changes in student views of measurement uncertainty in an introductory physics lab course using clustering algorithms 2023
- Seeing quantum effects in experiments 2023
- Survey of physics reasoning on uncertainty concepts in experiments: An assessment of measurement uncertainty for introductory physics labs 2023
- Student experiences with authentic research in a remote, introductory course-based undergraduate research experience in physics 2023
- Implementation and goals of quantum optics experiments in undergraduate instructional labs 2023
- Students? views about experimental physics in a large-enrollment introductory lab focused on experimental scientific practices 2023
- Intuition in quantum mechanics: Student perspectives and expectations 2023
- Correlations between student connectivity and academic performance: A pandemic follow-up 2023
- Investigating undergraduate students' views about the process of experimental physics 2022
- Towards mapping the landscape of informal physics educational activities 2022
- Student engagement with modeling in multiweek student-designed lab projects 2022
- Instructor perspectives on the emergency transition to remote instruction of physics labs 2022
- Assessing student engagement with teamwork in an online, large-enrollment course-based undergraduate research experience in physics 2022
- Validation of a coupled, multiple response assessment for upper-division thermal physics 2022
- Undergraduate student experiences in remote lab courses during the COVID-19 pandemic 2022
- Today's interdisciplinary quantum information classroom: Themes from a survey of quantum information science instructors 2022
- From Cartesian coordinates to Hilbert space: Supporting student understanding of basis in quantum mechanics 2022
- Exploring student ideas on change of basis in quantum mechanics 2022
- Classification of open-ended responses to a research-based assessment using natural language processing 2022
- Investigating students' views of experimental physics in German laboratory classes 2022
- Evaluation of high school student responses to the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey 2022
- Impacts on student learning, confidence, and affect and in a remote, large-enrollment, course-based undergraduate research experience in physics 2022
- Skills-focused lab instruction improves critical thinking skills and experimentation views for all students 2022
- Investigating unprompted and prompted diagrams generated by physics majors during problem solving 2022
- Data sharing model for physics education research using the 70 000 response Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics dataset 2021
- Impact of problem context on students' concept definition of an expectation value 2021
- Investigating graduate student reasoning on a conceptual entropy questionnaire 2021
- Deeper look at question categories, concepts, and context covered: Modified module analysis of quantum mechanics concept assessment 2021
- Remote advanced lab course: A case study analysis of open-ended projects 2021
- Framework for evaluating statistical models in physics education research 2021
- Lab instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effects on student views about experimental physics in comparison with previous years 2021
- Applying a mathematical sense-making framework to student work and its potential for curriculum design 2021
- Introductory physics lab instructors’ perspectives on measurement uncertainty 2021
- Investigating the landscape of physics laboratory instruction across North America 2020
- Incorporating writing in advanced lab projects: A multiple case-study analysis 2020
- Impact of a course transformation on students' reasoning about measurement uncertainty 2020
- Learning about teaching and learning while learning physics: An analysis of 15 years of responsive curriculum development 2020
- Refining a model for understanding and characterizing instructor pedagogy in informal physics learning environments 2020
- Isolation and connectedness among Black and Latinx physics graduate students 2020
- Preparing for the quantum revolution: What is the role of higher education? 2020
- Preparing for the quantum revolution: What is the role of higher education? 2020
- Survey of the academic use of planetariums for undergraduate education 2020
- Categorical framework for mathematical sense making in physics 2020
- Designing upper-division thermal physics assessment items informed by faculty perspectives of key content coverage 2020
- Retention of conceptual learning after an interactive introductory mechanics course 2020
- Framework of goals for writing in physics lab classes 2020
- Investigating students' behavior and performance in online conceptual assessment 2019
- Exploring student preferences when calculating expectation values using a computational features framework 2019
- Cross-context look at upper-division student difficulties with integration 2019
- Deconstructing Black physics identity: Linking individual and social constructs using the critical physics identity framework 2019
- Demographic gaps or preparation gaps?: The large impact of incoming preparation on performance of students in introductory physics 2019
- Designing for institutional transformation: Six principles for department-level interventions 2019
- Using think-aloud interviews to characterize model-based reasoning in electronics for a laboratory course assessment 2019
- Investigating the dynamics of ontological reasoning across contexts in quantum physics 2019
- Student difficulties with boundary conditions in the context of electromagnetic waves 2018
- Characterizing lab instructors' self-reported learning goals to inform development of an experimental modeling skills assessment 2018
- Correlation between student collaboration network centrality and academic performance 2018
- Critical look at physics identity: An operationalized framework for examining race and physics identity 2018
- Students' flexible use of ontologies and the value of tentative reasoning: Examples of conceptual understanding in three canonical topics of quantum mechanics 2018
- Student ownership of projects in an upper-division optics laboratory course: A multiple case study of successful experiences 2017
- Qualitative investigation of students' views about experimental physics 2017
- Using lab notebooks to examine students' engagement in modeling in an upper-division electronics lab course 2017
- Investigating the role of socially mediated metacognition during collaborative troubleshooting of electric circuits 2017
- Improvement or selection? A longitudinal analysis of students' views about experimental physics in their lab courses 2017
- Conceptual assessment tool for advanced undergraduate electrodynamics 2017
- Students' views about the nature of experimental physics 2017
- Assessing learning outcomes in middle-division classical mechanics: The Colorado Classical Mechanics and Math Methods Instrument 2017
- Developing skills versus reinforcing concepts in physics labs: Insight from a survey of students' beliefs about experimental physics 2017
- Electronics lab instructors' approaches to troubleshooting instruction 2017
- Open-ended versus guided laboratory activities: Impact on students' beliefs about experimental physics 2016
- Research-based assessment of students' beliefs about experimental physics: When is gender a factor? 2016
- Lab notebooks as scientific communication: Investigating development from undergraduate courses to graduate research 2016
- Effects of the learning assistant model on teacher practice 2016
- Fitting in or opting out: A review of key social-psychological factors influencing a sense of belonging for women in physics 2016
- Alternative model for administration and analysis of research-based assessments 2016
- Investigating the role of model-based reasoning while troubleshooting an electric circuit 2016
- Students' epistemologies about experimental physics: Validating the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for experimental physics 2016
- Characterizing pedagogical practices of university physics students in informal learning environments 2016
- Design and application of a framework for examining the beliefs and practices of physics teaching assistants 2016
- Framework for transforming departmental culture to support educational innovation 2016