subject area of
- A functional genetic screen reveals sequence preferences within a key tertiary interaction in cobalamin riboswitches required for ligand selectivity Journal Article
- B12 cofactors directly stabilize an mRNA regulatory switch Journal Article
- Circadian rhythm sleep disorders: Part II, advanced sleep phase disorder, delayed sleep phase disorder, free-running disorder, and irregular sleep-wake rhythm Journal Article
- Cobalamin riboswitches exhibit a broad range of ability to discriminate between methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin Journal Article
- Context-dependence of T-loop Mediated Long-range RNA Tertiary Interactions Journal Article
- Mechanistic Insights into Cofactor-Dependent Coupling of RNA Folding and mRNA Transcription/Translation by a Cobalamin Riboswitch Journal Article
- Oral vitamin B12 supplement is delivered to the distal gut, altering the corrinoid profile and selectively depleting Bacteroides in C57BL/6 mice. Journal Article
- Regulation of Gene Expression Through Effector-dependent Conformational Switching by Cobalamin Riboswitches Journal Article
- Subtle decreases in DNA methylation and gene expression at the mouse Igf2 locus following prenatal alcohol exposure: effects of a methyl-supplemented diet Journal Article
- Targeting Riboswitches with Beta-Axial-Substituted Cobalamins Journal Article
- The role of oxidative stress, inflammation and acetaminophen exposure from birth to early childhood in the induction of autism Journal Article