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Publications in VIVO

Gries, Laurie Ellen

Associate Professor



research overview

  • Dr. Gries' research is invested in visual rhetoric, circulation studies, new materialisms, research methodologies, and the digital humanities. She is particularly interested in how images circulate, transform, and contribute to collective life and is currently developing digital research methods and data visualization techniques to support such research. She also invested in investigating how people's thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors are impacted through rhetorical encounters with mundane, everyday objects and is currently developing new materialist rhetorical methods to conduct such research.


  • Visual Rhetoric, Rhetoric, Writing Studies, Communication, New Materialisms, Affect Studies, Research Methodologies, Digital Humanities, Circulation Studies, Global Visual Studies,


selected publications


courses taught

  • COMM 5320 - Readings in Rhetoric
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Spring 2021
    Survey of classical and contemporary readings in rhetoric. Required for doctoral students in communication; optional for master's students.
  • COMM 5720 - Readings in Communication and Technology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Survey of multidisciplinary research that examines various relationships between communication and technology. Students are encouraged to develop critical skills in perceiving assumptions and perspectives that motivate major theories in this area, and to examine how these phenomena have changed over time.
  • WRTG 1150 - First-Year Writing and Rhetoric
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Rhetorically informed introduction to college writing. Focuses on rhetorical analysis, argument, inquiry and information literacy. Taught as a writing workshop, the course emphasizes practicing writing strategies for all phases of the writing process. For placement criteria, see the arts and sciences advising office. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
  • WRTG 2090 - Electives in Writing
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022
    Explores a variety of academic and professional writing genres, ranging from research to technical writing, in intensive workshops. Students read and write extensively across genres. Check with program for semester offerings. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours if the topics are different. Designed for self-motivated students in all majors. Does not fulfill core requirements. Department enforced prereq., WRTG 1150 or equivalent (completion of lower-division writing requirement)
  • WRTG 2095 - Ideas for Social Change
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Introduces key concepts and practices central to understanding historical and contemporary social movements in the U.S. Grounded in theories about discourse, bodies, culture, and power, the course is taught through various frameworks such as intersectionality, rhetoric, critical race theory, feminism, queer studies, decolonial studies, and/or LGTBQ+ studies. Students will discover, identify, and analyze social issues of significance to them; practice developing their own visions for social change; and present their visions in public-facing multi-modal genres. Formerly offered as a special topics course.
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