Leila Gómez specializes in the travel writing scholarship and Indigenous documentaries. She has published articles, five books, and coordinated special journal volumes on these topics. Professor Gomez has published a book on travel narratives in Mexico, for which she has received the Humboldt Fellowship for Advanced Researchers. Her new research project focuses on global Indigeneities, gender and film.
Latin American Literature, Travel Writing, Indigenous Literature, Gender and Women Studies, Film, Comparative Literature, Latin American Cultural Studies
LAMS 1000 - Introduction to Latin American and Latinx Studies
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
Focuses on the main topics of Latin American and Latinx Studies, exploring them through interdisciplinary approaches. Core course of the Latin American and Latinx Studies Certificate.
SPAN 2110 - Second-Year Spanish 1
Primary Instructor
Summer 2019 / Summer 2020
Grammar review. Emphasizes reading, writing, and speaking skills. Attendance at the language laboratory may be mandatory. Department enforced prerequisite: SPAN 1020 (min. grade C-). Degree credit not granted for this course and SPAN 2150.
SPAN 3100 - Literary and Cultural Analysis in Spanish
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018
Fosters critical thinking and the ability to discuss texts from a historical, sociological, ideological and formalistic viewpoint. Analyzes literary and cultural expressions from Latin America, Spain and the US Latino traditions in different genres, ranging from fiction to poetry, and media from the written word to cinema and other visual arts.
SPAN 4220 - Special Topics in Spanish and/or Spanish American Literature
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020
Examines intensively particular topics or issues concerning Spanish and/or Spanish American literature selected by the instructor. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Recommended prerequisites: SPAN 3120 and an additional course above SPAN 3000.
SPAN 5130 - Seminar: Critical Approaches to Hispanic Literature
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021
Treats various topics and genres as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to theoretical and critical analysis of Hispanic literature with greatest emphasis on contemporary trends. Genres might include narrative, poetry and theatre. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as SPAN 7130.
SPAN 5320 - Seminar: 20th Century Spanish American Literature
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2019
Treats various topics, as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to developing historical and current theoretical and critical background of each topic. Representative topics might include modernism, theatre, the essay, the regional novel, the novel of the Mexican Revolution, the modern novel, contemporary theatre, and contemporary poetry. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as SPAN 7320.
SPAN 7130 - Seminar: Critical Approaches to Hispanic Literature
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021
Treats various topics and genres as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to theoretical and critical analysis of Hispanic literature with greatest emphasis on contemporary trends. Genres might include narrative, poetry and theatre. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as SPAN 5130.
SPAN 7320 - Seminar: 20th Century Spanish American Literature
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2019
Treats various topics, as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to developing historical and current theoretical and critical background of each topic. Representative topics might include modernism, theatre, the essay, the regional novel, the novel of the Mexican Revolution, the modern novel, contemporary theatre, and contemporary poetry. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as SPAN 5320.
WGST 2600 - Gender, Race, and Class in a Global Context
Primary Instructor
Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
Examines the positionality of women in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, class and power relations in a global context.
WGST 3711 - Topics in Global Gender and Sexuality Studies (AH)
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021 / Fall 2022
Examines selected topics in women, gender and sexuality in the arts and humanities, from a global perspective. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours for different topics. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2600.
WGST 4001 - Advanced Topics in Gender ad Sexuality Studies (AH)
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020
Provides and advanced interdisciplinary course organized around a specific issue in the social sciences relating to gender and sexuality. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours for different topics. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2600. Same as WGST 5001.
WGST 4100 - Gender and Indigeneity in Literature and Films of the Americas
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Through analysis of literature and films by Indigenous and non-Indigenous writers and filmmakers, this course explores issues of gender in Indigenous communities in the Americas, gender and power distribution within Indigenous communities, related national and global politics, legal and economic systems, migration, and environmental issues, among other topics. This course also studies how colonization and the imposition of patriarchy has transformed Indigenous societies by diminishing the power, status, and material circumstances of Indigenous women. Recommended prerequisite: WGST 2000 or WGST 2600.