Professor Montoya’s research primarily focuses on the ways in which marginalized groups mobilize to enact change. She is interested in how these groups work within and outside of political institutions, domestically and transnationally. Her work is informed by studies of social movements, public policy, political institutions, international organization, transnational politics, and gender and race politics. Her regional areas of specialization are the United States and Europe. She has written about European and global efforts to combat violence against women; gender in international relations; gender policy and politics in European countries; as well as Latino, gender, immigration, and voting politics in the United States. Her newer projects focus on intersectionality as it pertains to Latina leadership, contemporary social movements, gendered violence, voting rights, and political representation.
gender and race politics, intersectionality, social movements, political representation, gendered violence, voting rights, Europe, United States
PSCI 3311 - Gender and U.S. Politics: Protest, Polls and Policy
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
Provides an overview and critical examination of women as political actors within the United States. Students will examine the gendered components of citizenship, election, political office and public policy. Furthermore, students will explore the ways in which gender intersects with class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other identities in U.S. politics. Same as WGST 3311.
WGST 3311 - Gender and U.S. Politics: Protest, Polls and Policy
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
Provides an overview and critical examination of women as political actors within the United States. Students will examine the gendered components of citizenship, election, political office and public policy. Furthermore, students will explore the ways in which gender intersects with class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other identities in U.S. politics. Same as PSCI 3311.
WGST 3930 - Women and Gender Studies Internship
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Spring 2019
Provides field experience in local and national government and non-governmental agencies focusing on women and gender-related issues. Supervision by approved field instructors. Students must relate their academic experience to their field work experience though a portfolio and a final paper. Department enforced prerequisite: 6 hours of course work in Women and Gender Studies and 30 cumulative credit hours.
WGST 4800 - Senior Colloquium in Feminist Studies
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2022
Provides students with the opportunity to actively reflect on their education and to complete a research project that incorporates an interdisciplinary and feminist approach to the study of gender, class, race, ethnicity and sexuality. Offered each spring.
WGST 4950 - Honors Research
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020
For qualified Women and Gender Studies majors working on the research phase of departmental honors. Department enforced prerequisite: overall GPA of 3.3.
WGST 6190 - Feminist Methodology
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022
Explores feminist methodology across a range of disciplines. Themes include experience and interpretation, the social position of the researcher, language and argument structure, knowledge and power, bias and objectivity, and the ethics and politics of research. Meets the requirements for the WGST certificate.