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Publications in VIVO

Rastogi, Bharat

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas



  • terrestrial ecosystem ecology, atmospheric inversions


selected publications


courses taught

  • GEOG 3251 - Mountain Geosystems
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Surveys mountain environments and their human use with illustrations from temperate and tropical mountain areas.
  • GEOG 3301 - Analysis of Climate and Weather Observations
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Discusses instruments, techniques and statistical methods used in atmospheric observations. Covers issues of data accuracy and analysis of weather maps. Provides application to temperature and precipitation records, weather forecasting and climate change trends. Uses computers to access data sets and process data. Recommended prerequisites: ATOC 1050 or ATOC 1060 or ATOC 3600 or GEOG 3601 or ENVS 3600 or GEOG 1001 and one semester calculus. Same as ATOC 3300.


International Activities

geographic focus