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Publications in VIVO

Peters, Sean

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research aims to advance cost-effective, low-resource radar remote sensing technologies and sensor networks that can monitor extreme environments, such as ice sheets, ice shelves, and icy moons. The core of my research agenda focuses on developing passive radar systems and signal processing techniques that can recycle a diversity of electromagnetic signals (natural, radio-astronomical, and anthropogenic) for terrestrial, planetary, and space observations. One evolving area of my research applies this passive radar remote sensing technique to problems in understanding both Jovian and Solar radio bursts as signals of opportunity as well as their impact on space-based systems. The second emerging area of my research builds on passive radars that use ambient radio emissions for terrestrial and planetary remote sensing by modeling detection technologies for space-based mission concepts.


  • radar, radar systems, radar astronomy, radar remote sensing, passive radar, bistatic radar, planetary radar, space-based radar, ice penetrating radar, radioglaciology


selected publications


courses taught

  • ASEN 3300 - Aerospace Electronics and Communications
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Provides the fundamentals of electronics and communications widely used in aerospace engineering. Includes analog instrumentation electronics, data acquisition, digital electronics and radio communication.
  • ASEN 4018 - Senior Projects 1: Design Synthesis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Focuses on the synthesis of technical knowledge, project management, design process, leadership, and communications within a team environment. Students progress through the design process beginning with requirements development, then preliminary design and culminating with critical design. Offered fall only.
  • ASEN 4028 - Senior Projects 2: Design Practicum
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Focuses on the fabrication, integration, verification and validation of designs produced in ASEN 4018. Students work within the same teams from ASEN 4018. Offered spring only.
  • ASEN 5245 - Radar and Remote Sensing
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Examines active techniques of remote sensing, with emphasis on radar fundamentals, radar wave propagation, scattering processes, and radar measurement techniques and design. Examines specific radar systems and applications, such as synthetic aperture radar phased arrays for atmosphere, space, land, and sea applications.


International Activities

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