Prof. Ritzwoller's research focuses on the following areas: theoretical, computational, and observational seismology, geophysical imaging and inversion, ambient noise and earthquake tomography, seismic surface waves and normal modes, modeling the Earth's crust and mantle, the use of seismology in nuclear monitoring, shallow subsurface imaging using seismic waves and surface NMR, X-ray tomographic imaging, and long range acoustic wave propagation in the oceans.
ASTR 6610 - Earth and Planetary Physics 1
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Examines mechanics of deformable materials, with applications to earthquake processes. Introduces seismic wave theory. Other topics include inversion of seismic data for the structure, composition and state of the interior of the Earth. Same as GEOL 6610 and PHYS 6610.
GEOL 6610 - Earth and Planetary Physics 1
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2023
Offered alternate years. Examines mechanics of deformable materials, with applications to earthquake processes. Introduces seismic wave theory. Other topics include inversion of seismic data for the structure, composition and state of the interior of the Earth. Same as ASTR 6610 and PHYS 6610.
GEOL 6630 - Earth and Planetary Physics 3
Secondary Instructor
Spring 2022
Offered alternate years. Examines the solar system, emphasizing theories of its origin and meteorites. Highlights distribution of radioactive materials, age dating, heat flow through continents and the ocean floor, internal temperature distribution in the Earth, and mantle convection. Also covers the origin of the oceans and atmosphere. Same as ASTR 6630 and PHYS 6630.
PHIL 4450 - History and Philosophy of Physics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Investigates the role of experiment in physics. Uses case studies in the history and philosophy of physics and in scientific methodology. Recommended prerequisite: 12 hours philosophy course work. Same as PHIL 5450 and PHYS 4450 and PHYS 5450.
PHIL 5450 - History and Philosophy of Physics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2024
Investigates the role of experiment in physics; case studies in the history and philosophy of physics and in scientific methodology. Same as PHIL 4450 and PHYS 5450 and PHYS 5450.
PHYS 2020 - General Physics 2
Secondary Instructor
Fall 2019
Includes three lectures, one two-hour laboratory/recitation per week, plus three evening exams in the fall and spring semesters. Covers electricity and magnetism, light and modern physics. Designed for life science majors, including premed students. Natural science majors with a knowledge of calculus and others taking calculus are urged to take the calculus-based courses PHYS 1110, PHYS 1120, PHYS 1140 and PHYS 2130, rather than PHYS 2010 and PHYS 2020.
PHYS 4450 - History and Philosophy of Physics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2024
Investigates the role of experiment in physics; case studies in the history and philosophy of physics and in scientific methodology. Same as PHYS 5450 and PHIL 4450 and PHIL 5450.
PHYS 4610 - Physics Honors
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
Students are matched with a faculty member and work independently on a research topic. Typically, the honors program lasts three semesters. A senior thesis and an oral presentation of the work are required. See also PHYS 4620 and PHYS 4630. Department enforced prerequisite: mininimum 3.00 GPA. Registration by special arrangement with the Department of Physics.
PHYS 4620 - Physics Honors
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
Students are matched with a faculty member and work independently on a research topic. Typically, the honors program lasts three semesters. A senior thesis and an oral presentation of the work are required. See also PHYS 4610 and PHYS 4630. Department enforced prerequisite: mininimum 3.00 GPA. Registration by special arrangement with the Department of Physics.
PHYS 4630 - Physics Honors
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
Students are matched with a faculty member and work independently on a research topic. Typically, the honors program lasts three semesters. A senior thesis and an oral presentation of the work are required. See also PHYS 4610 and PHYS 4620. Department enforced prerequisite: mininimum 3.00 GPA. Registration by special arrangement with the Department of Physics.
PHYS 5450 - History and Philosophy of Physics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2024
Investigates the role of experiment in physics; case studies in the history and philosophy of physics and in scientific methodology. Same as PHYS 4450 and PHIL 4450 and PHIL 5450.
PHYS 6610 - Earth and Planetary Physics 1
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2023
Examines mechanics of deformable materials, with applications to earthquake processes. Introduces seismic wave theory. Other topics include inversion of seismic data for the structure, composition and state of the interior of the Earth. Same as GEOL 6610 and ASTR 6610.
PHYS 6630 - Earth and Planetary Physics 3
Secondary Instructor
Spring 2022
Examines the solar system, emphasizing theories of its origin and meteorites. Highlights distribution of radioactive materials, age dating, heat flow through continents and the ocean floor, internal temperature distribution in the Earth, and mantle convection. Also covers the origin of the oceans and atmosphere. Same as GEOL 6630 and ASTR 6630.