My primary research is in natural language processing (NLP) and computational linguistics, with an emphasis on computational semantics, ontology development, and knowledge representation. I have also been involved in the development of numerous linguistic resources used in NLP.
Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Ontologies, Computational Lexical Resources, Artificial Intelligence, Corpus Linguistics
CSCI 5140 - CLASIC Capstone
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
In this capstone to the Computational Linguistics, Analytics, Search and Informatics (CLASIC) professional master's program, we will review each student's internship project and prepare presentations and technical reports based on those internships. Students will present their work on the annual Industry Day or at an Advisory Board meeting to industry representatives. They will also submit a paper to a relevant conference or workshop. Previously offered as a special topics course. Recommended restriction: It is recommended that this course be taken after the CLASIC internship has been completed.
CSCI 6930 - Professional Internship
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2023 / Summer 2023 / Fall 2023
This class provides a structure for CS graduate students to receive academic credit for internships with industry partners that have an academic component to them suitable for graduate-level work. Participation in the program will consist of an internship agreement between a student and an industry partner who will employ the student in a role that supports the academic goals of the internship. Instructor participation will include facilitation of mid-term and final assessments of student performance as well as support for any academic-related issues that may arise during the internship period. May be taken during any term following initial enrollment and participation in CS graduate programs.
ECEN 5930 - Industry Internship
Primary Instructor
Summer 2022
Provides students with experience in working on a contemporary topic in an industrial or national laboratory setting.
LING 4200 - Introduction to Computational Corpus Linguistics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Covers computer methods for doing linguistics with on-line corpora. Includes extensive introduction (with lab) to the Python programming language, UNIX corpus tools, concordance programs, syntactic treebanks, propbanks, and corpora for discourse and phonology research. Recommended prerequisite: LING 1200. Same as LING 5200.
LING 5140 - CLASIC Capstone
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
In this capstone to the Computational Linguistics, Analytics, Search and Informatics (CLASIC) professional master's program, we will review each student's internship project and prepare presentations and technical reports based on those internships. Students will present their work on the annual Industry Day or at an Advisory Board meeting to industry representatives. They will also submit a paper to a relevant conference or workshop. Previously offered as a special topics course. Recommended restriction: It is recommended that this course be taken after the CLASIC internship has been completed.
LING 5200 - Introduction to Computational Corpus Linguistics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
Covers computer methods for doing linguistics with on-line corpora. Includes extensive introduction (with lab) to the Python programming language, UNIX corpus tools, concordance programs, syntactic treebanks, propbanks, and corpora for discourse and phonology research. Same as LING 4200.
LING 7800 - Open Topics in Linguistics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
Various topics not normally covered in the curriculum; offered intermittently depending on student demand and availability of instructors. Contact the department office for information.