Computer Science
Associated Departments
research area of
Allen, Mary Ann,
Assoc Research Professor,
Research & Innovation Office
Anderson, Ken,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Bacus, John,
Teaching Associate Professor,
ATLAS Institute
Bennett, John Knox,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Computer Science
Brown, Jed,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Brown, Susan Windisch,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Brubaker, Jed R.,
Associate Professor,
Information Science
Cai, Xiao-Chuan,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Computer Science
Ceko, Marta,
Asst Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Chandler, Chelsea Kendall,
Research Associate,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan,
Associate Professor,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Devendorf, Laura Kay,
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Do, Ellen Yi-Luen,
Computer Science
Dowell, Robin D.,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Fiesler, Casey Lynn,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Fischer, Gerhard,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Computer Science
Grochow, Joshua Abraham,
Associate Professor,
Grunwald, Dirk C,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Ha, Sangtae,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Hayes, Bradley Hamilton,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Her Many Horses, Ian P,
Teaching Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education,
School of Education
Hirshfield, Leanne M,
Assoc Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Hoenigman, Rhonda,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Computer Science
Hovey, Christopher l,
Research Associate,
Izraelevitz, Joseph,
Assistant Professor,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Jarzemsky, Julie,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Kane, Shaun Kevin,
Associate Professor Adjunct,
Computer Science
Kissler, Stephen M,
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Lahijanian, Morteza,
Assistant Professor,
Aerospace Engineering Sciences
Laurenzo, Tomas,
Associate Professor,
Critical Media Practices
Lewis, Clayton H,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Computer Science
Martin, James H,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Pacheco Gonzalez, Maria,
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Palen, Leysia A,
Distinguished Professor,
Computer Science
Palmer, Alexis,
Associate Professor,
Parker, Scott E,
Peleg, Orit,
Associate Professor,
Polkinghorne, Kent,
Temporary Researcher,
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Quigley, David Philip,
Teaching Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Reckwerdt, Eric Asher,
Teaching Associate Professor,
CS Post Bacc Program
Reid, Blake E.,
Associate Professor,
School of Law
Repenning, Alexander,
Professor Adjunct,
Computer Science
Rivera, Michael,
Assistant Professor,
ATLAS Institute
Roncone, Alessandro,
Assistant Professor,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Roque, Ricarose,
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Schnabel, Bobby,
Computer Science
Semaan, Bryan,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Stafford, Trey M,
Professional Research Asst,
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Sumner, Tamara,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Szafir, Daniel James,
Visiting Asst Professor,
ATLAS Institute
Szafir, Danielle N Albers,
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science
Tufo, Henry,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Voida, Amy,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Voida, Stephen A,
Associate Professor,
Computer Science
Yeh, Tom ,
Associate Professor,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Zietz, Jason Ian,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Information Science