History & Appreciation of Music
Associated Departments
research area of
Brody, James,
Associate Professor,
College of Music
Caballero, Carlo,
College of Music
Dusinberre, Edward,
Ralph E. and Barbara L. Christoffersen Faculty Fellow and Artist in Residence,
College of Music
Erhard, Paul,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
College of Music
Fejer, Andras,
Ralph E. and Barbara L. Christoffersen Faculty Fellow and Artist in Residence,
College of Music
Jones, Daniel C L.,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Honors Program
Lamos, Steve,
Associate Professor,
Moteki, Mutsumi,
Professor and the Berton Coffin Faculty Fellow in Voice,
College of Music
Okigbo, Austin Chinagorom,
Associate Professor,
College of Music
Riis, Thomas L,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
College of Music
Romero, Brenda M,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
College of Music
Seno, Cosetta,
Associate Professor,
French & Italian
Uy, Michael Sy,
Associate Professor,
College of Music
Walter, Douglas Wm.,
College of Music