A Portfolio Performance Index
A presidential archive of lies: Racism, Twitter, and a history of the present
A Primer on Everyday Data Analysis in Social Psychology Using the General Linear Model
A Probabilistic Critique of Evidentialism
A production system model for language processing
A Public Choice Analysis of the Political Economy of International Sanctions
A public key cryptosystem based on sparse polynomials
A Question of Inclusion: Intercultural Competence, Systemic Racism, and the North American German Classroom
A refined quadrilateral element for the analysis of plate bending
A refutation of Peircian idealism
A Regional Data-Assimilative Model for Operational Use in the Gulf of Mexico
A research-practice partnership to improve formative assessment in science
A Review of Past Attempts and the New Policy Context
A review of pseudospectral methods for solving partial differential equations
A REVIEW OF SUCCESSFUL, SAFE, AND HEALTHY STUDENTS A U S Department of Education Research Summary in Support of Its Blueprint for Reform
A review of the economic literature
A review of ULF interactions with radiation belt electrons
A Review on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Mollusk Shells - Perspectives on Synthetic Biomimetic Materials
A revised mesh refinement strategy for Newton’s method applied to nonlinear two-point boundary value problems
A Revolutionary Contagion: Smallpox and the Reshaping of the American West, 1779–82
A Rights-Based Conception of the Precautionary Principle
A Rodeo to Call Their Own: LGBTQ Vaqueros and the Gay Rodeo of the American West
A role for the mitochondrion and reactive oxygen species in oxygen sensing and adaptation to hypoxia in yeast
A Scholar Intervenes: Matachines, Ritual Continuity, and Cultural Well Being
A second-order translation, rotation, and scale invariant neural network
A Short History of the Use of Technology To Model and Analyze Student Data for Teaching and Research
A short review of germ cell determination in ’Drosphila melanogaster’
A signed version of Putnam's homology theory: Lefschetz and zeta functions
A Sliding Window Filter for Incremental SLAM