Scholarly Edition
Ekal Vidyalaya: Education for Rural India
Empowering educators via language technology.
Esther Tusquets: Scholarly Correspondences
Explaining sales pay strategy using agency, transaction cost and resource dependence theories
Exports, Exportation in Globalization in America in the World, 1776 to the Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History.
Extermimation of the American Bison
Faculty Teaching Excellence Course Portfolio
Family Creative Learning: Designing Structures to Engage Kids and Parents as Computational Creators (Dissertation)
Feasibility of Avicennia Marina (Grey Mangroves) in Salt Removal from Water
Findings from a national survey of research use among school and district leaders
Forest management and Wildfire Risk
Forest Views: Shifting Attitudes Toward the Environment in Northeast Oregon
Gainsharing & Mutual Monitoring.
Globalization in America in the World, 1776 to the Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History.
HeidelbergCement: The Baltic Kiln Decision
Heritage Speakers of Spanish and Study Abroad
Implementation of gravity data for isolated and joint inversion methods at Thor Lake, Northwest Territories,
Implementing an Animal Management Software
In the Absence of Title: Responding to Federal Ownership in Sacred Sites Cases .
Information Science at CU Boulder
Interfaith Dialogue and Disputation in the Medieval Mediterranean
Invisible Harm: Science, Subjectivity and the Things We Cannot See
Is gang activity on the rise? A movement to abolish gang databases makes it hard to tell
Karachi effects of the Makran earthquake and tsunami of November 1945: Mercury spilled, tide gauge impaired, seawalls overrun, boats displaced, mosque flooded
Latest Pleistocene and Holocene paleoenvironments of the Franz Josef Land region, northern Barents Sea, Arctic Russia
Let’s Learn about Spatial Visualization” (grades 6-12 lesson and four associated hands-on activities)
Leveraging Earth Observations for Education
Liberated Africans and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807-1896
Making Root Cause Analysis Feasible for Large Code Bases: A Solution Approach for a Climate Model