Reliance Upon a Toxic Staple Crop
Religion and meaning in the digital age: Field research on internet/web religion
Religion and Political Innovation in Ancient Mesoamerica
Religion and Television
Religión e innovación política en la antigua Mesoamérica
Religion Journalism after 9/11
Religion, Politics, and the Media
Religion, Ritual and Myth
Religion, the media and 9/11
Religion, War, and Peace
Religious Attendance and Cause-Specific Mortality in the United States
Religious Forms and Themes
Religious Freedoms, Sacred Sites, and Human Rights in the United States,
Religious inspiration: Indigenous mobilisation against LGBTI rights in postconflict Liberia
Religious Involvement and Mortality Risk among Pre-Retirement Aged U.S. Adults
Religious Ritual and Mental Health
Remaining Issues in Upper Atmosphere Satellite Drag
Remaining Stubborn Faithful: What Queering Academia Does; to Queer Teacher-Scholars
Remaking Eichmann: Memories of Mass Murder and the Transatlantic Student Movements of the 1960s
Remarks (1983) on three new and unsolved problems (1971) in operator theory (1) Principal Axis (2) Numerical Range (3) Numerical Radius
Remarks on nonlinear evolution equations and the inverse scattering transform
Remarks on the inverse scattering transform associated with toda equations
Remarks on the problems in the books: Cylindric algebras [Part I, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1971; MR0314620 (47 #3171); Part II, 1985; MR0781930 (86m:03095b)] by L. Henkin, Monk and A. Tarski, and Cylindric set algebras [Lecture Notes in Math., 883, Springer, Berlin, 1981; MR0639151 (84a:03078)] by Henkin, Monk, Tarski, H. Andréka and I. Németi
Remediation vs. Steering: An Act-Description Approach to Approaching and Funding Geoengineering Research
Remembering and "re-membering": A history of theory and research on communication and group decision making
Remote control use: Methodology matters
Remote Functionalization of Pyridine Rings via the Halogen Dance Reaction: Application to the Total Synthesis of Caerulomycin and WS75624 B