Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Nonmechanical spectral-domain optical coherence tomography using an electrowetting prism
- Nonneutral ion plasmas and crystals in penning traps
- Nonparametric estimation of spatial surfaces from irregularly sampled monthly precipitation and temperature data
- Nonpolar solute cononsolvency in water/ethanol mixtures - Connections to solvent structure
- Nonpotentiality of Chromospheric Fibrils in the Active Regions NOAA 9661 and NOAA 11092
- Nonstoichiometry and hole doping in NiO
- Nonuniform transmission lines for broadband dispersion compensation
- Nonvisual Access to an Interactive Electric Field Simulation: Work in Progress
- North Atlantic-Fennoscandian Holocene climate trends and mechanisms
- Not a Team but Learning as One: The Impact of Consistent Attendance on Discourse Diversification in Math Group Modeling
- Not just another pretty face: Images and arguments in an anthropology Web site
- Not Just for the New Kids: Mentoring for Mid-Career Academics. Mentoring Conference Proceedings:
- Not just lemurs on the menu: Assessment of feeding habits and general prey preferences among introduced and endemic predators at the Beza Mahafaly Special reserve, Madagascar using scat sampling.
- Not just lemurs on the menu: Using scat samping to understand feeding patterns among introduced and endemic predators at the Bezà Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar.
- Note: A Sociomaterial Perspective on Trace Data Collection: Strategies for Democratizing and Limiting Bias
- Notes on the Oberst beam test technique
- Nothing happens once: Systematics and parallel evolution in the species-rich genus Ruellia (Acanthaceae)
- Nothing to Hide: Aesthetic Customization of Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants in an Online Community
- Nothing works the first time: an expert experimental physics epistemology
- Notice of Removal: Daily intra-tumoral administration of oxygen microbubbles slows tumor growth in the absence of other therapy in a rat subcutaneous fibrosarcoma model
- Notice of Removal: Oxygen microbubbles improve tumor control after radiotherapy in a rat fibrosarcoma model
- Notice of Removal: Swept synthetic study of large aperture imaging through ex vivo human abdominal wall
- Notice of Removal: Tumor hypoxia modulation dynamics using intra-tumoral, intra-peritoneal and intra-venous oxygen microbubbles administrations — In vivo real-time measurements via spectroscopic absorbance on a rat subcutaneous fibrosarcoma model
- Noticing and responding episodes: Accessing elementary teachers’ responsiveness towards equitable sense-making
- Novel adjustable prosthetic sockets effect on peak vertical ground reaction force asymmetry in people with a transfemoral amputation
- Novel alpha-tubulin mutation disrupts neural development and tubulin proteostasis
- Novel approaches to multidimensional light-field synthesis
- Novel Architecture for Numerical Multi-satellite Simulations
- Novel bacterial anti-adhesion films with polymers derived from natural products