Conference Proceeding RDF
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- VAMS 2017: Workshop on Value-Aware and Multistakeholder Recommendation
- VAPOR: Visual, Statistical, and Structural Analysis of Astrophysical Flows
- Variability in hearing aid outcomes in older adults: Clinical trial design and preliminary results.
- Variability of primary production in an antarctic marine ecosystem as estimated using a multi-scale sampling strategy
- Variability of the oceanic thermohaline circulation
- Variability of the Satellite Drag Environments of Earth, Mars and Venus due to Rotation of the Sun
- Variable-focus method for characterizing general astigmatic laser beams
- Variable-wavelength tabletop-scale EUV ptychographic complex imaging reflectometry for 3D composition determination (Conference Presentation)
- Variance estimation and ranking of Gaussian mixture distributions in target tracking applications
- Variation in critical zone processes and architecture across slope aspects
- Variation in hair cortisol in wild anubis and hamadryas baboons and their hybrids
- Variation in the Cannabinoid Receptor Gene (CNR1) and marijuana use: Preliminary data from an experimental study
- Variation of Delivered Impulse as a Function of Asteroid Shape
- Variation of dissolved organic carbon during snowmelt in soil and stream waters of two headwater catchments, Summit County, Colorado
- Variation of Langmuir Wave Polarization with Electron Beam Speed in Type III Radio Bursts
- Variation of the solar granulation over the cycle: Previous results and future observations
- Variational Autoencoder Anomaly-Detection of Avalanche Deposits in Satellite SAR Imagery
- Variational Bayesian Data Fusion of Multi-class Discrete Observations with Applications to Cooperative Human-Robot Estimation
- Variational derivation of reciprocal mass matrices for isogeometrical analysis via localized Lagrange multipliers
- Variational Learning of Autoregressive Mixtures of Experts for Fully Bayesian Hybrid System Identification
- Variational multiscale modeling with discontinuous subscales: analysis and application to scalar transport
- Variations in aerologically derived Arctic precipitation and snowfall
- Variations in cloud chemistry with drop size and their effects on aerosol processing in winter clouds
- Variations in Reflections as a Method for Teaching and Assessment of Engineering Ethics
- Variations of cirrus cloud particle sizes with temperature: Results of remote sensing and direct measurements
- Variations of surface air temperature and sea-ice extent in the western Antarctic Peninsula region
- Varroa: A paradigm shift on what and where they feed
- Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by a Western-Style Diet Can Be Transferred via Fecal Microbiota Transplant in Mice
- Vast-scale Outdoor Navigation Using Adaptive Relative Bundle Adjustment