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Publications in VIVO

Berggreen, Shu-Ling Chen

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Berggreen conducts research in the areas of children, youth and media, media and identity politics, media, culture and globalization, media institutions and economics in the U.S. and in Asia, and methodological issues in media research. Her current research focuses on cultural, economic and political significance of media narratives in the ever-growing global consumerism in the digital age, with a special interest in the role of media’s mythic storytelling in the conceptualization and commodification of tea.


  • media and culture, children and media, media and multiculturalism, media and ethnicity, media and migration, media and globalization, institutions and economics in the U.S. and in East Asia, media and gender politics, self-agency and identity politics in a networked information society, methodological issues in media research


selected publications


courses taught

  • MDRP 7001 - PhD Colloquium Series
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Introduce the new doctoral students to the Media Research and Practice program and its faculty members and their research. The colloquium series will also include workshops on program planning, publishing, attending conferences, writing a dissertation, preparing and presenting a job talk, etc.
  • MDST 3001 - Media Research
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Introduces theoretical approaches and practices used to analyze the content, structure, influence and contexts of media. Explores factors shaping media, including: politics, economics, technology, cultural traditions. Studies concepts, theoretical approaches and research methods of media criticism, and adopts and adapts these frameworks in analyses of mediated communication.
  • MDST 3201 - Media, Culture and Globalization
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
    Surveys the political and economic structures of media system in developed and developing countries and discusses the impact of privatization, ownership consolidation, and globalization on the flow of information across national borders. Also looks at how global media flows and counter-flows affect conceptions of nationhood and cultural identity.
  • MDST 4211 - Asian Media and Culture
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Fall 2022
    Offers an understanding of the various people, cultures and nations of East Asia through their media systems. Provides a critical overview of the historical, cultural, social, political and economic dimensions of East Asian communication systems in today's digitally connected/disconnected world. Same as MDST 5211.
  • MDST 4231 - Youth Media: Culture and Politics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021
    Emphasizes the sociological understandings of youth cultures, identities and practices in relation to media and politics. Topics include the influences of consumer branding, participatory culture, youth media production and representation, use of social media, mobile phones, gaming, and other digital media, and integrating them around themes of youth styles, gender, ethic, political identities, consumer culture, social behavior and other trends.
  • ... more


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