The Holland group's research includes the properties of Bose and Fermi quantum gases, covering optical lattices and strongly interacting superfluids. The group is also working on superradiant cavity quantum electrodynamics with group-II elements with the aim to develop a millhertz linewidth laser. Further research interests encompass properties of many-ion crystals for purposes of quantum information studies, and superconducting qubits interacting with microwave fields. Current topics include applying machine learning, in particular reinforcement learning, to quantum design. The group is working on developing a new kind of matter-wave interferometer that uses phase and amplitude modulation of an optical lattice to create pathway interference, an effort that involves both theory and experiment.
Atomic physics and quantum gases, theoretical quantum optics
CSCI 3090 - Introduction to Quantum Computing
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
Covers the basics of quantum computation, including the basics of quantum information; axioms of quantum mechanics; quantum circuits and universality; the relationship between quantum and classical complexity classes; simple quantum algorithms such as the quantum Fourier transform; Shor factoring algorithm; Grover search algorithm; physical implementation of quantum computation; error correction and fault tolerance. Same as PHYS 3090 and ECEN 3090.
PHYS 1110 - General Physics 1
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019 / Fall 2023
First semester of three-semester sequence for science and engineering students. Covers kinematics, dynamics, momentum of particles and rigid bodies, work and energy, gravitation, and simple harmonic motion. Degree credit not granted for this course and PHYS 1115.
PHYS 3090 - Introduction to Quantum Computing
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
Covers the basics of quantum computation, including the basics of quantum information; axioms of quantum mechanics; quantum circuits and universality; the relationship between quantum and classical complexity classes; simple quantum algorithms such as the quantum Fourier transform; Shor factoring algorithm; Grover search algorithm; physical implementation of quantum computation; error correction and fault tolerance. Same as CSCI 3090 and ECEN 3090.
PHYS 3310 - Principles of Electricity and Magnetism 1
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2024
Covers mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, and polarized media, and provides an introduction to electromagnetic fields, waves, and special relativity.
PHYS 3320 - Principles of Electricity and Magnetism 2
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2020
Continuation of PHYS 3310. Electromagnetic induction; magnetic energy; microscopic theory of magnetic properties; Ac circuits; Maxwell's Equations; planewaves; waveguides and transmission lines; radiation from electric and magnetic dipoles and from an accelerated charge.
PHYS 4230 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022
Statistical mechanics applied to macroscopic physical systems; statistical thermodynamics, classical thermodynamics systems; applications to simple systems. Examines relationship of statistical to thermodynamic points of view.
PHYS 4410 - Quantum Mechanics 2
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021
Extends quantum mechanics to include perturbation theory and its applications to atomic fine structure, multi-particle systems, interactions with external forces, the periodic table and dynamical processes including electromagnetic transition rates.