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Publications in VIVO

Cordova, James M.

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • James M. Córdova’s research focuses on visual studies, cross-culture visual practices, identity formation, image/text relations, the agency of objects/images, and the production, consumption, and evaluation of visual culture in colonial Latin America.


  • Colonial Latin America, colonial visual culture, Precolumbian studies, Mesoamerican studies, Inquisition studies, ethnohistory, gender, visual studies, visual culture, colonial semiosis, decoloniality, postcolonial, New Spain, New Mexico, portraiture, religious painting, Mexican manuscripts,


selected publications


courses taught

  • ARTH 1600 - U.S. Art Across Cultures
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
    Examines historical and contemporary issues in American arts and visual culture, emphasizing issues of race, gender, class, cross-cultural interactions, diversity of artistic traditions, and the global position of the United States in the modern world. We will focus on key monuments, objects, artists, and concepts relevant to the American context and impactful across geopolitical borders, ethnic groups, and genders.
  • ARTH 3729 - Foundations in Latin American Art
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2023
    Examines Latin America's cultural pluralism and visual production beginning in Pre-Colombian times and following through to the present day. Considers the various functions of art as well as the relationship between objects, artists, and the cultures from which they come. Focuses on how visual objects and images communicate across cultures including in times of political and social conflict. Provides students with a broad frame of reference for many historical periods, cultural/ethnic groups, and equips students to evaluate images and objects and their proper cultural contexts. Recommended prerequisites: ARTH 1500 and/or ARTH 1600.
  • ARTH 3929 - Special Topics in Art History
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    May be repeated up to 18 total credit hours when topic varies.
  • ARTH 4419 - The Arts of Colonial Mexico and Peru
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Examines important works, artists, and themes that comprise the artistic production of colonial Mexico and Peru. Focuses on the intermingling, convergence, and conflict of European, Amerindian, Creole, mestizo, and African groups, which established the foundation of Latin America's cultural pluralism. Recommended prerequisites: ARTH 1500, ARTH 1600, ARTH 3729.
  • ARTH 4459 - Precolumbian Art of Mesoamerica
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Introduces students to the art, architecture, and cultures of Mesoamerica, a region that encompasses modern-day Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and parts of El Salvador, and Honduras. Focuses on major Pre-Columbian art objects and monuments to learn about the societies and cultures from which they came. Also considers the various roles that the visual arts and architecture played in these societies. Covers Olmec through Aztec civilizations. Recommended prerequisite: ARTH 3729.
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