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Publications in VIVO

Schulte, Stacey Lynn

Teaching Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Stacey Schulte specializes in research related to environmental land use planning and design. Her work focuses on various aspects of public lands planning, open space preservation and the relationship between urban growth and the environment. Her work includes projects on fiscal impacts of land conservation, habitat quality of protected areas and hazard mitigation. Recent projects include willingness-to-pay for land conservation and public perception of large scale conservation projects. Much of her work is conducted through survey research including surveys on wildfire mitigation behavior and field research on recreation use and impacts.


  • land use planning and policy, environmental planning, relationship between urban growth and environmental quality, open space planning and preservation, public lands planning, funding for protected areas, public demand for & attitudes about conservation, habitat quality of protected areas, recreation use and demand, wildfire mitigation, economic implications of preservation and development, growth management, wildland-urban interface


selected publications


courses taught

  • ENVD 1004 - Introduction to Environmental Design
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2018 / Spring 2019
    Introduces methods, principles and philosophies that guide environmental design. Explores ways of thinking about, and accomplishing, the act of design. Students contemplate the processes and motivations behind design decisions including discussions of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Required for Program in Environmental Design (ARPLU) majors.
  • ENVD 1040 - Studio 1: Introduction to Planning and Urban Design
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    The fourth of four introductory studios in which students learn concepts and strategies related to urban planning and design. Students collaboratively develop a design solution to a small-scale problem within an urban fabric using basic skills of analysis and design iteration.
  • ENVD 1140 - Studio 2: Fundamentals of Planning and Urban Design
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Through a small-scale urban planning and design project, students explore solutions to challenges in dynamic urban systems. Builds on knowledge and skills gained in the introductory studios to explore the human and environmental dimensions of intertwined systems within the built environment.
  • ENVD 1976 - Colloquium - Exploring Careers, Research and Practice
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Inspiration in the design profession can be found through a series of faculty and professional lectures. Students develop an understanding of the breath of environmental design careers, research and practice.
  • ENVD 2130 - Environmental Design Studio 2
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Exposes students to a sequence of design investigations that lead to the development of design concepts for critical evaluation and discussion. The intent of this introductory design studio is to expose students to the fundamental design practices that are common to the disciplines of architecture, urban design and landscape design - disciplines that share the responsibility for shaping the designed environment. Recommended corequisite: ENVD 3003.
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