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Publications in VIVO

Chari, Mukund

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research interests span the inventive value chain: creating inventions, startup growth and funding, obtaining patent protection, and monetizing patents. I am working on several projects situated in these complementary domains. In addition, I have begun to explore behavioral aspects of firms, such as how firms use language to garner attention while dealing with a crisis.


  • intellectual property, cognitive bias, client capture, patent trolls, professionals, knowledge acquisition, revolving doors, startup funding and growth


selected publications


courses taught

  • BCOR 2304 - Strategic and Entrepreneurial Thinking
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
    Provides students with a set of critical thinking skills and theoretical tools to enhance students' abilities at strategic and entrepreneurial thinking. We examine the following topics: (1) What is Strategy and Entrepreneurship, (2) External Analysis and Porter's 5 Forces, (3) Internal Analysis and the Resource Based View, (4) SWOT Analysis, (5) Differentiation, Cost Leadership, and Blue Ocean Strategy. Credit not granted for this course and BASE 2101.
  • MBAC 6050 - Strategy
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2024
    Analyzes how firms can attain and sustain competitive advantage in today's competitive environment. Focuses on industry dynamics, competitive positioning, firm capabilities, and corporate innovation. Introduces a set of tools for assisting managers in solving complex, real-world business problems in strategy development. Integrates MBA learning in functional areas, and emphasizes the fit between competitive analysis and the role of management and organization.
  • MGMT 4850 - Senior Seminar in Management
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Covers the issues and challenges of running a firm in a competitive environment. It integrates and builds upon coursework in other functional areas. Discusses principles, frameworks, and techniques that helps understand how to analyze the competitive environment; firm sources of competitive advantage; competitive dynamics; and, specific types of strategies to promote firm performance. Focuses on specific company examples. Formerly MGMT 4000.


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