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Publications in VIVO

Rueb, Teri



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Teri Rueb is an artist whose work combines sound and site using mobile media. Over the past thirty years, she has created sound installations in which sounds play back in response to one's movement in the landscape as sensed by GPS. These works have been made for landscapes across the United States, Germany, France and Canada. Her practice is site-specific and research-based, with each piece involving extended periods of development, often in collaboration with local residents. Most recently she completed a commission with the Fiske Planetarium at CU. She is currently engaged in a commission from the Ucross Foundation and collaborations with electrical engineer, David Anderson, exploring the aesthetic possibilities of experimental loudspeaker design and acoustic holography.


  • Art, media, interface, culture, ecology, sound, acoustics, walking, listening, hearing, embodiment, space and place, architecture and urbanism, landscape, cultural geography, creative non-fiction, cultural heritage, music



courses taught

  • CMDP 3150 - Sonic Histories
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Introduces students to the history and theory of sound, through aesthetic, conceptual, and technological, developments. This course explores the physicality of sound, what sound can do inside and outside the artistic sphere, investigate sounding and listening as cultural and social acts, and study major developments in radio, electronic music, sound art, science and technology studies, and sound studies.
  • CMDP 3600 - Media Practices II
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Focus on developing an understanding of the principles, forms and aesthetics of media production. Working in design groups on small-scale media preproduction and production exercises, screenings and critiques, students learn creative solutions to problems in realizing expressive media projects. Formerly CMDP 2600.
  • CMDP 3840 - Sound Practices
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    This course serves as the gateway to the Sound Practices concentration. Explores the aesthetics of sound through the study of sound art and sound culture. Reading and discussion covers theories technologies, and histories that drive the medium. Students apply concepts by designing and building their own soundscapes, Class will be organized around hands-on activities, lectures, and discussion of readings.
  • CMDP 7450 - Comprehensive Exam Seminar
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2023
    Designed in a seminar format, this course reviews literature and concepts in all prior coursework and guides studies in their preparation for comprehensive exams. All ETMAP students must demonstrate their understanding of the fundamental concepts explored and developed in prior coursework in relation to individual areas of research.
  • CMDP 7500 - Production Methods I
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Provides technical resources for students to work with emergent technologies in a media arts context. This is a team-taught, practice-based course addressing various production methods, from moving image and video to web and network media to computational media.
  • ... more


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