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Publications in VIVO

Harper, James




research overview

  • My research consultancy, Noble Pursuits, LLC, provides research, engineering, and education services that aim to improve lives in low-resource communities. Our research strives to describe complex context-specific systems in low-resource communities to produce results that private, public and government programs can use to change lives via improved public health, livelihoods, and safety. Engineering related systems is frequently required to affect change; our engineering services support our research or can be applied independently based on project requirements. Last, our education services ensure that our knowledge and experience with improving lives in low-resource communities is communicated to the next generation of researchers and engineers.


  • Sanitation, water treatment and access, behavior, decision-making, nutrition, menstrual health, housing


selected publications


courses taught

  • CVEN 4434 - Environmental Engineering Design
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Examines the design of facilities for the treatment of municipal water and wastewater, hazardous industrial waste, contaminated environmental sites and sustainable sanitation in developing countries. Economic, societal and site specific criteria impacting designs are emphasized. Same as EVEN 4434.
  • ENVM 5045 - Introduction to Monitoring & Evaluation
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
    Gain an understanding of traditional and new approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the context of food and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) systems in the developing world. Covers rigorous impact evaluation designs and when to use each. Recommended prerequisites: Intro to Food Systems (ENVM 5038) & Front Range Food Systems Field Lab (ENVM 5039).
  • EVEN 4434 - Environmental Engineering Design
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Examines the design of facilities for the treatment of municipal water and wastewater, hazardous industrial waste, contaminated environmental sites and sustainable sanitation in developing countries. Economic, societal and site specific criteria impacting designs are emphasized. Same as CVEN 4434.
  • GEEN 1400 - Engineering Projects
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    First-year students solve real engineering design problems in interdisciplinary teams. Design projects vary by section. Curriculum focuses on iterative design process, teamwork and team dynamics, supporting design with testing and analysis, and technical writing. Completed projects are exhibited at an end-of-semester design expo. Students responsible for contributing towards their design project budget and poster costs, and purchasing safety glasses (approximately $75).
  • MCEN 5055 - Advanced Product Design
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
    Introduces engineering design and development of consumer products. Includes learning sketching, brainstorming, idea generation, design thinking, user-centered design, product requirements and specifications, product constraints, human factors, aesthetics, industrial design, intellectual property, concept prototyping, idea selection, tolerancing, cost estimating, design for assembly, and materials selection. Entails a semester-long team re-design of a consumer product.


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