publication venue for
- H3K36 methylation regulates cell plasticity and regeneration in the intestinal epithelium 2025
- Fatty acyl-coenzyme A activates mitochondrial division through oligomerization of MiD49 and MiD51 2024
- Pioneer factor competing for fate change 2023
- Mitochondrial RNA granules are fluid condensates positioned by membrane dynamics 2020
- Inducible histone K-to-M mutations are dynamic tools to probe the physiological role of site-specific histone methylation in vitro and in vivo 2019
- CRISPR-Cas9-mediated base-editing screening in mice identifies DND1 amino acids that are critical for primordial germ cell development (vol 20, pg 1315, 2018) 2019
- Multicolour single-molecule tracking of mRNA interactions with RNP granules 2019
- CRISPR-Cas9-mediated base-editing screening in mice identifies DND1 amino acids that are critical for primordial germ cell development 2018
- Stem cell quiescence acts as a tumour suppressor in squamous tumours 2014
- MicroRNA-205 controls neonatal expansion of skin stem cells by modulating the PI(3)K pathway 2013
- Rab10 GTPase regulates ER dynamics and morphology. 2013
- Get on the exosome bus with ALIX 2012
- Programming human pluripotent stem cells into white and brown adipocytes 2012
- Caenorhabditis elegans transthyretin-like protein TTR-52 mediates recognition of apoptotic cells by the CED-1 phagocyte receptor 2010
- Stressed out? Make some modifications! 2008
- C-elegans mitochondrial factor WAH-1 promotes phosphatidylserine externalization in apoptotic cells through phospholipid scramblase SCRM-1 2007
- A role for the P-body component GW182 in microRNA function 2005
- MicroRNA-dependent localization of targeted mRNAs to mammalian P-bodies 2005
- Actin and Arf1-dependent recruitment of a cortactin-dynamin complex to the Golgi regulates post-Golgi transport 2005
- Actin is part of pre-initiation complexes and is necessary for transcription by RNA polymerase II 2004
- Hopeful monsters and morphogens at the beach 2002
- Cycling through development in Drosophila and other metazoa 2001
- DNA defects target the centrosome 2000
- Weaving a tangled web: the interconnected cytoskeleton 1999
- Nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in dynamin: evidence for a mechanochemical molecular spring 1999