subject area of
- Acclimation of Swedish and Italian ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana to light intensity Journal Article
- Anatomical and photosynthetic acclimation to the light environment in species with differing mechanisms of phloem loading Journal Article
- Antioxidants in photosynthesis and human nutrition Journal Article
- Applying the dual-isotope conceptual model to interpret physiological trends under uncontrolled conditions Journal Article
- Assessing the interplay between canopy energy balance and photosynthesis with cellulose δ18O: large-scale patterns and independent ground-truthing Journal Article
- Association between photosynthesis and contrasting features of minor veins in leaves of summer annuals loading phloem via symplastic versus apoplastic routes Journal Article
- Carbon-concentrating mechanisms are a key trait in lichen ecology and distribution Journal Article
- Carotenoids .3. In vivo functions of carotenoids in higher plants Journal Article
- Chloroplast thylakoid structure in evergreen leaves employing strong thermal energy dissipation Journal Article
- Comparing Photosynthetic and Photovoltaic Efficiencies and Recognizing the Potential for Improvement Journal Article
- Contrasting plant physiological adaptation to climate in the native and introduced range of Hypericum perforatum Journal Article
- Differences in light-harvesting, acclimation to growth-light environment, and leaf structural development between Swedish and Italian ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana Journal Article
- Distinct Cold Acclimation of Productivity Traits in Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotypes Journal Article
- Effects of Foliar Redox Status on Leaf Vascular Organization Suggest Avenues for Cooptimization of Photosynthesis and Heat Tolerance Journal Article
- Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide to Chemical Fuels: Challenges and Opportunities for a Solar Fuel Device Journal Article
- Electronic resonance with anticorrelated pigment vibrations drives photosynthetic energy transfer outside the adiabatic framework Journal Article
- Enhanced removal of Zn2+ or Cd2+ by the flocculating Chlorella vulgaris JSC-7 Journal Article
- Environmental regulation of intrinsic photosynthetic capacity: an integrated view Journal Article
- Foliar sieve elements: Nexus of the leaf Journal Article
- Geobiology of a microbial endolithic community in the Yellowstone geothermal environment Journal Article
- Global carbon sinks and their variability inferred from atmospheric O2 and δ13C Journal Article
- Greenness indices from digital cameras predict the timing and seasonal dynamics of canopy-scale photosynthesis Journal Article
- Inactivation of the uptake hydrogenase in the purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Rubrivivax gelatinosus CBS enables a biological water-gas shift platform for H-2 production Journal Article
- Leaf anatomical and photosynthetic acclimation to cool temperature and high light in two winter versus two summer annuals Journal Article
- Leaf architectural, vascular and photosynthetic acclimation to temperature in two biennials Journal Article
- Less photoprotection can be good in some genetic and environmental contexts Journal Article
- Light, temperature and tocopherol status influence foliar vascular anatomy and leaf function in Arabidopsis thaliana Journal Article
- Low temperature acclimation of photosynthetic capacity and leaf morphology in the context of phloem loading type Journal Article
- Maintenance of C sinks sustains enhanced C assimilation during long-term exposure to elevated [CO2] in Mojave Desert shrubs Journal Article
- Mechanical regulation of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria Journal Article
- Mechanistic evidence for tracking the seasonality of photosynthesis with solar-induced fluorescence Journal Article
- Microfluidic cytometer for high-throughput measurement of photosynthetic characteristics and lipid accumulation in individual algal cells Journal Article
- Modeling whole-tree carbon assimilation rate using observed transpiration rates and needle sugar carbon isotope ratios Journal Article
- Modulation of photosynthetic energy conversion efficiency in nature: from seconds to seasons Journal Article
- Multiple feedbacks between chloroplast and whole plant in the context of plant adaptation and acclimation to the environment Journal Article
- Optimization of Photosynthetic Productivity in Contrasting Environments by Regulons Controlling Plant Form and Function Journal Article
- PARduino: a simple and inexpensive device for logging photosynthetically active radiation Journal Article
- Photosynthesis - Harvesting sunlight safely Journal Article
- Photosynthesis and foliar vascular adjustments to growth light intensity in summer annual species with symplastic and apoplastic phloem loading Journal Article
- Photosynthetic acclimation in the context of structural constraints to carbon export from leaves Journal Article
- Photosynthetic capacity and light harvesting efficiency during the winter-to-spring transition in subalpine conifers Journal Article
- Quantification of Leaf Phloem Anatomical Features with Microscopy Journal Article
- Redox processes controlling manganese fate and transport in a mountain stream Journal Article
- Role of light and jasmonic acid signaling in regulating foliar phloem cell wall ingrowth development Journal Article
- Seasonal variation in the canopy color of temperate evergreen conifer forests Journal Article
- Soil CO2 flux and photoautotrophic community composition in high-elevation, 'barren' soil Journal Article
- Terrestrial carbon balance in a drier world: the effects of water availability in southwestern North America Journal Article
- The earliest stages of ecosystem succession in high-elevation (5000 metres above sea level), recently deglaciated soils Journal Article
- The evolutionary consequences of oxygenic photosynthesis: a body size perspective. Journal Article
- Toward using delta C-13 of ecosystem respiration to monitor canopy physiology in complex terrain Journal Article
- Triple oxygen isotope evidence for limited mid-Proterozoic primary productivity Journal Article
- Winter acclimation of PsbS and related proteins in the evergreen Arctostaphylos uva-ursi as influenced by altitude and light environment Journal Article
- Winter down-regulation of intrinsic photosynthetic capacity coupled with up-regulation of Elip-like proteins and persistent energy dissipation in a subalpine forest Journal Article
- Winter forest soil respiration controlled by climate and microbial community composition Journal Article
- Zeaxanthin, a Molecule for Photoprotection in Many Different Environments Journal Article