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Publications in VIVO

Montiegel, Kristella

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Montiegel is a qualitative researcher who studies the role of talk-in-interaction in the construction and management of social meanings, identities, and relationships. She primarily applies this interest in the contexts of education, disability, and political communication. Her methods are conversation analysis and ethnography. She is currently launching a new research program that aims to understand how social equity/inequity and equality/inequality in the larger special education system might be reflected in interactions on the ground level, particularly in the context of special education meetings.


  • Conversation Analysis, Qualitative Research, Discourse Analysis


selected publications


courses taught

  • COMM 2400 - Discourse, Culture and Identities
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Considers how communication is central to constructing who people are and examines social controversies related to talk and identities. Students learn to analyze and understand discourse, defined as everyday talk and conversation, through the practice of discourse analysis.


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