"Come to the Table"
“Complexity,” Information Failures in the Financial Crisis, and Reinventing Securities Disclosure
"Composing with the Animal Side"
"Connecting Analysis and Performance through Music Theory Pedagogy"
“Constructional Meaning and Compositionality”
“Constructions License Verb Frames”
“Creative Climate ; Communications: Teaching from the Heart Through the Arts”
"Da Tang de wuma" (The Dancing Horses of Tang), translated by Ge Yi and Wang Zhiyang.
“De hombres afeminados a los peligrosos: la política identitaria de las modas y la vestimenta masculinas en la literatura Argentina decimonónica”.
"Defiance of Authority and the Visionary Power of Negation in The Mysterious Mother"
“Dialogue as a Tool for Difficult Conversations.”
“Distributed Cognition and Extended-Mind Theory,”
“Don’t Look Down”: Green Technologies, Climate Change, and Mining
"Don't Speak, Don't Tell: Silencing, Secrets, and Alicia Giménez Bartlett's Latest Petra Delicado Novels"
“Dress for Sukses: Fashioning Femininity and Nationality in Urban Indonesia.”
"Earthworks: The Ceramic Display of Natural Knowledge in Clay"
“Editing Romantic Drama: Problems of Volume, Value, and Venue.”
“Encoding ‘Bi-location’: Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Erotics of Dissimulation"
“Encoding placement events in Hindi and Tamil.”
"Evaluating scholarly teaching: A model and call for an evidence-based approach
"EVERYTHING GLEE IN 'AMERICA' " Context, Race, and Identity Politics in the Glee (2009-2015) Appropriation of West Side Story (1961)
“Excavating, Archiving, Making Media Inscriptions // In and Beyond the Media Archaeology Lab.”
"Fetish and Collapse in No Country for Old Men."
“Food Justice Advocacy Tours: Remapping Rooted, Regenerative Relationships through ; ‘Planting Just Seeds.’”
“Forward: Thomas F. Glick and Convivencia,”
"Go Suck Your Husband’s Sugarcane!” Hijras and the Use of Sexual Insult
“Goethe’s Schlüsselpoetik. World and Technics in Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre.“
“Going On: Philosophy of Continuity and the Writing of Coherence in Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship.”
“Home is Where the Hatred Is": Housing, Race, and Cold War Internationalisms in The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit and A Raisin in the Sun
“Horses, Houses, and the Gravy to Win: Chivalric and Domestic Roles in The Border Trilogy.”