Conference Proceeding
“‘Regime Shifts’ and the Macrodynamics of the Global Political Economy: A Marxian Interpretation”
"1-GHz MIR dual-comb spectrometer for high-speed chemical kinetics studies"
"A pace not dictated by electrons"
"After I gave students their prior knowledge..." - Pre-service teachers conceptions of student prior knowledge
“An analysis on the participation structure of learners of Japanese in triadic free conversation: What we can do for learners utilizing opportunities to use the language and to connect with others.”
"Applications of Physics Informed Neural Networks for Gravity Field Modeling"
“Architects of Praxis: Finding New Promise in Academic Maker Spaces”
"At times avuncular and cantankerous, with the reflexes of a mongoose": Understanding Self-Expression through Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices
“Automating Open Educational Resources Assessments: A Machine Learning Generalization Study”
"Beacons of hope" in decentralized coordination
“Beacons of Hope” in Decentralized Coordination: Learning from On-the-Ground Medical Twitterers During the 2010 Haiti Earthquake.
"Beautiful work, you're rock stars!": Teacher Analytics to Uncover Discourse that Supports or Undermines Student Motivation, Identity, and Belonging in Classrooms
“Better Astronauts: Psychosomatic Education and Training for Maximized Human Performance in Space” in a report "California Research Analog for DeepSpace and Lunar Exploration (CRADLE)"
"Burning of Antonio Rodriguez and the Hanging of Antonio Gomez, Lynching in Texas, 1910-1911"
"Classic Papers" on Aquatic Humic Substances: Use of the Hirsch Index
“Closing The Cyberlearning Loop: Enabling Teachers to Formatively Assess Student Programming Projects,”
"Computing Creativity: Divergence in Computational Thinking,"
“Consumption, Violence, and Bodily Expression in Contemporary Japanese Art”
"Conversational Programming: Exploring Interactive Program Analysis,"
"Critical Pedagogy and Worldbuilding in Documentary Media Poetics" in “Encountering reality as crisis: documentary, ethnographic media and education.”
"Cross-Institutional Research SIG: Fostering Empirical Research Inquiry Across Writing Centers"
"CU:Computational assessment of short free text answers - a tool for evaluating students’ understanding."
“Demonstration of RiverWare, RiverSMART and RiverWISE Decision Support Tools”
"Dinner Party" sociable interfaces in a tabletop art project
"Do They Act the Way They Look?": Examining Portrayals of Intelligent Technology in Narrative Media from an Educational Perspective
"Dump it, Destroy it, Send it to Data Heaven": Blind People's Expectations for Visual Privacy in Visual Assistance Technologies
"Dying for Perfection: Cold War Politics, Elite Women Gymnasts, and the 1988 Summer Olympic Games"
"Eliminating Virtual Walls through a MOOC + Virtual International Exchange (VIE): A Case Study of Interactive Content to Foster Inter-Cultural Competency in Russian"
"Everybody knows what you're doing"
“Experiencing the Three-Legged Stool: Social, Economic and Environmental Education Through the Mariposa Redevelopment.”