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Publications in VIVO

Yeh, Emily T.



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Emily Yeh works on issues of development, environment, and the relationship between nature and society, broadly defined. Her regional expertise is in Tibetan areas of China. She has conducted field research on property rights, conflicts over access to natural resources, environmental history, emerging environmentalisms, nature and nation, transnationalism, and the political economy and cultural politics of development and landscape transformation in Tibet. She has also worked on interdisciplinary projects investigating the vulnerability of herders to snowstorms and the determinants of grassland degradation in Tibet. Other areas of research include the green energy transition in Indonesia and the politics of weather modification across different national contexts.


  • nature-society geography, political ecology, human geography, development studies, environmental governance, indigeneity, climate politics


selected publications


courses taught

  • GEOG 3022 - Climate Politics and Policy
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2024
    Engages students in exploring the realm of contemporary and historical climate policy at three major levels of government: international, national and local/regional. Through course lectures, discussions, readings and activities, students will become conversant with the actors, mechanisms and concerns involved in climate policy and politics and develop their own sense of how to judge the success of climate policies. Fulfills intermediate social science requirement in Environmental Studies Major. Recommended prerequisite: ENVS 1000 or GEOG 1972. Same as ENVS 3022.
  • GEOG 3822 - China�s Diverse Geographies: Environment, Society, Politics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Get to know one of the world�s most diverse countries, its physical and historical geography, urbanization and regional development, agriculture, population, energy, and the environment. Learn more about China and how to situate its development in a broader Asian and global context. Recommended prerequisite: GEOG 1962 or GEOG 1972 or GEOG 1982 or GEOG 1992 or GEOG 2092.
  • GEOG 5161 - Research Design in Geography
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    The human section reads and discusses contemporary research philosophies and methodologies in human geography. Practices the development of research proposals and presentation of research ideas and results. The physical section reads and discusses contemporary research philosophies and methodologies in physical geography (climatology, geomorphology, biogeography, and soils geography). Practices the development of research proposals and presentation of research ideas.
  • GEOG 5632 - Development Geography
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2023
    Provides an overview of development policy and practice, surveying foundational works in Development Studies as well as critical interventions. Required for Graduate Certificate in Development Studies. Same as GEOG 4632.
  • GEOG 5652 - Introduction to Social Theory
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Surveys theoretical paradigms in the social sciences. Includes canonical works from the history of the social sciences as well as contemporary theorists. Appropriate for beginning to advanced graduate students doing qualitative research.
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