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Publications in VIVO

Neogi, Sanghamitra

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Neogi's research focuses on discovering new concepts and approaches that will lead to fundamental breakthroughs in the understanding of thermal, electronic, and other physical properties of materials. In parallel, the research applies the fundamental knowledge to transform different engineering applications ranging from energy conversion and storage, to computing, wireless communications, quantum technologies, thermal protection, and high-speed atmospheric vehicles and spacecraft that can sustain harsh environments. Dr. Neogi's research creates new physics-to-engineering research frontiers by integrating concepts from solid state physics, materials chemistry, nano- to microscale device physics and engineering. The CU Aerospace Nanoscale Transport Modeling (CUANTAM) Laboratory's research contributes to both (A) Basic Materials Physics and (B) Applied Physics for Technology fields. We contribute to (A) by establishing deeper understanding about the transport properties of electrons, phonons—quanta of lattice vibrations, and other elementary or quasi particles in materials. These particles are responsible for electronic, thermal, and other physical properties of materials. We consider different classes of nano- to microscale solid materials and study their (1) thermal and (2) electronic properties, and (3) interaction between different fundamental particles in them. We contribute to (B) by developing new AI-assisted computational methods that allows to apply basic physics concepts to engineering applications. We use these methods to predict the physical properties of materials within devices and design and discover new materials with target properties. The current projects are focused on developing (1) forward and inverse design models for materials discovery and (2) thermal models for microelectronic devices and thermal barrier coatings. The projects aim to establish fundamentally new physics-informed AI approaches for Applied Physics research.


  • Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, Machine Learning Methods for Materials Science, Quantum Systems, Nanoscale Heat Transport, Electronic Transport, Electron-Phonon Coupling, Neuromorphic Computing, Nano- and microelectronics, Quantum Materials, Classical and Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Dissipative and Nonlinear Dynamics, Metamaterials, Effect of Defects on Transport, Solid-Solid Interfaces


selected publications


courses taught

  • ASEN 2001 - Aerospace 1: Introduction to Statics, Structures, and Materials
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Introduces models and analytical/numerical methods for statics and structural analysis. Topics include force/moment equilibrium, truss analysis, beam theory, stress/strain, failure criteria, and structural design. Matlab proficiency required.
  • ASEN 2701 - Introduction to Statics, Structures, and Materials
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
    Introduces the fundamental analytical tools for statics and structural analysis in the context of the physics of aerospace materials. Topics include force/moment equilibrium, truss analysis, beam theory, stress and strain, stiffness and strength of material, and aerospace structural design.
  • ASEN 4018 - Senior Projects 1: Design Synthesis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
    Focuses on the synthesis of technical knowledge, project management, design process, leadership, and communications within a team environment. Students progress through the design process beginning with requirements development, then preliminary design and culminating with critical design. Offered fall only.
  • ASEN 4028 - Senior Projects 2: Design Practicum
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    Focuses on the fabrication, integration, verification and validation of designs produced in ASEN 4018. Students work within the same teams from ASEN 4018. Offered spring only.
  • ASEN 5022 - Dynamics of Aerospace Structures
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
    Applies concepts covered in undergraduate dynamics, structures and mathematics to the dynamics of aerospace structural components, including methods of dynamic analysis, vibrational characteristics, vibration measurements and dynamic stability. Recommended prerequisite: ASEN 5012 or ASEN 5227 or MATH 2130 or APPM 3310 or equivalent or instructor consent required.
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