Dr. Quentin Biddy is a Research Associate in the Institute of Cognitive Science. He is currently researching and developing open source resources to support high school and middle school science and STEM teachers transitioning to Phenomena-Driven, student centered learning and assessment aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, Computer Science Teacher Association standards, and the AI4K12 standards. He is focusing on supporting middle school science teachers intentionally integrating Computational Thinking Practices and Artificial Intelligence into students’ learning experiences through co-designed curricula. His research/work experience and interests focus on effective science learning and teaching, Phenomena-Driven learning, Next Generation Science Standards aligned Learning and formative assessment, Computational Thinking integration, Artificial Intelligence Education, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, teacher professional learning, and the Nature of Science and History of Science in science education.
Effective science learning and teaching, Phenomena-Driven learning, Next Generation Science Standards aligned Learning and formative assessment, Computational Thinking integration, Artificial Intelligence Education, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, teacher professional learning, and the Nature of Science and History of Science