Educational Improvement
Associated Departments
research area of
Argrow, Brian M,
Professor and Glenn L. Murphy Chair,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Biddy, Quentin L.,
Asst Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Bielefeldt, Angela R,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Bolhari, Azadeh,
Teaching Associate Professor,
Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Engel, Mimi,
Associate Professor,
School of Education
Farrell, Caitlin Christine,
Assoc Research Professor,
School of Education
Floriano, Maureen,
Assistant Teaching Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Foley, Teresa E.,
Teaching Professor,
Integrative Physiology
Gebhardt, Karen,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Continuing Education & Professional Studies
Hornstein, Seth D,
Teaching Professor,
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS)
Klymkowsky, Mike,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Knight, Jenny,
Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Ko, Monica ,
Asst Research Professor,
Institute of Cognitive Science (ICS)
Kress, Nancy Emerson,
Research Associate,
School of Education
Parson, Robert,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Perkins, Katherine K.,
Professor Attendant Rank, Sr Research Associate,
Pieplow, Kathryn,
Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus,
Program for Writing and Rhetoric
Ramirez, Karen E.,
Teaching Professor,
Miramontes Arts & Sciences Program (MASP)
Resnick, Alison Fox,
Research Associate,
School of Education
Tsai, Janet Yi-Jen,
Teaching Associate Professor,
College of Engineering and Applied Science