Prof. MacGregor's research program leverages multi-wavelength observations to explore the formation and potential habitability of planetary systems. She is especially excited about (1) drawing connections between debris disks and planetary systems, (2) probing the properties and composition of grains in circumstellar disks and planets, and (3) exploring the impact that stellar activity has on planets and disks. Prof. MacGregor uses many ground- and space-based observational facilities to carry out this work, with an extra emphasis on the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).
ASTR 2040 - The Search for Life in the Universe
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2023
Introduces the scientific basis for the possible existence of life elsewhere in the universe. Includes origin and evolution of life on Earth and the search for evidence of life in our solar system, including Mars and Jupiter's moon Europa. Discusses the conditions necessary for life and whether they might arise on planets around other stars. Credit only for this course or ASTR 3300. Same as GEOL 2040.
ASTR 3710 - Formation & Dynamics of Planetary Systems
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021
Covers the origin of planetary systems and their dynamical evolution. Topics include the physics and chemistry of planetary formation, orbital mechanics and extrasolar planets. This course and ASTR 3720 and ASTR 3750 may be taken in any order. Elective for APS major and minor.
ASTR 5820 - Origin and Evolution of Planetary Systems
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020 / Fall 2022
Considers the origin and evolution of planetary systems, including proto-planetary disks, condensation in the solar nebula, composition of meteorites, planetary accretion, comets, asteroids, planetary rings and extrasolar planets. Applies celestial mechanics to the dynamical evolution of solar system bodies. Same as ATOC 5820 and GEOL 5820.
ASTR 6000 - Seminar in Astrophysics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
Studies current research and research literature on an astrophysical topic. Students and faculty give presentations. Subjects vary each semester. May be repeated for a total of 4 credit hours to meet candidacy requirements.
GEOL 2040 - The Search for Life in the Universe
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2023
Introduces the scientific basis for the possible existence of life elsewhere in the universe. Includes origin and evolution of life on Earth and the search for evidence of life in our solar system, including Mars and Jupiter's moon Europa. Discusses the conditions necessary for life and whether they might arise on planets around other stars. Same as ASTR 2040.