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Publications in VIVO

Dyonisius, Michael Nathaniel



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My research is focused on using radiocarbon (14C) as a tracer for Earth system processes. A major activity at the CU-INSTAAR Laboratory for AMS Radiocarbon Preparation and Research (NSRL) is the processing of air samples from NOAA Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network for 14CO2 measurements. We use 14CO2 as a tracer for fossil CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. I’m also conducting data analysis on our 10-year record of novel atmospheric 14C of methane (14CH4) measurements from the Arctic. We use 14CH4 as a tracer for CH4 emissions from old permafrost. Finally, I’m working at the CU-INSTAAR Stable Isotope Lab (SIL) to develop an experimental setup to measure hydrogen isotopes (dD) in methane (CH4).


  • Paleoclimate, ice cores, radiocarbon


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